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error: error parsing dev-user.yaml: error converting YAML to JSON: yaml: line8: did not find expected key YAML文件 查看YAML文件,检查第8行发现没有问题,那么问题来了 # cat -A dev-user.yaml---$ # ServiceAccount$ apiVersion: v1$ kind: ServiceAccount$ metadata:$ name: dev-user$namespace...
使用js-yaml这个js库进行json和yaml转换在线DEMO 效果 [image.png] json转yaml function toYaml() { let json = area_json.innerText...; if (json) { try { ...
install.go:158: [debug]Originalchart version:""install.go:175: [debug]CHARTPATH:/builds/xxx/xyxy/xyxyxy/xx/xxyy/src/main/helmError:YAMLparse error on postgresdeployment.yaml: error convertingYAMLtoJSON: yaml: line24: did not find expected key helm.go:75: [debug] error con...
简介:error parsing deployment-nginx.yml: error converting YAML to JSON: yaml: line 19 问题解决 使用yml文件创建deployment类型的pod时,执行命令报错如下: error: error parsing deployment-nginx.yml: error converting YAML to JSON: yaml: line 19: did not find expected key ...
How REST replaced SOAP on the Web: What it means to you↩ JSON不总是更小,如: 和 "a":{"b":"c"} 对比一下长度 都9102年了,对比不应该加上yaml和protobuf么? JSON、XML、TOML、CSON、YAML 大比拼 一段超级严肃的关于...
How to Handle YAML conditions into JSON and Vice versa using Typescript the problem is if my YAML is like this variables: - name: isHeadLess ${{ if eq(parameters.HeadedOrHeadLess, 'Headless')}}: value: '--headless' ${{ else }}: ...
error: error parsing mongodb-deployment.yaml: error converting YAML to JSON: yaml: line 27: did not find expected key This is the YAML file for MongoDB for Kubernetes: apiVersion:apps/v1kind:Deploymentmetadata:name:mongodb-deploymentlabels:app:mongodbspec:replicas:1selector:match...
Usechmod +x /usr/local/bin/yaml2jsongive running permission to it. mac/linux usage echo "a: 1" | yaml2json yaml2json < 1.yml > 2.json window usage windows 7 cmd.exe: C:\tmp>more .\1.yaml a: 1 C:\tmp>.\yaml2json_windows_amd64.exe < ./1.yaml > 2.json C:\tmp>more ...