context = "while parsing a block node" } yaml_parser_set_parser_error_context(parser, context, start_mark, "did not find expected node content", token.start_mark) return false } // Parse the productions: // block_sequence ::= BLOCK-SEQUENCE-START (BLOCK-ENTRY block_node?)* BLOCK-END...
then it gives an error "error: yaml: line 4: did not find expected node content" In practice this means that Go can't handle the IPv6 localhost address in flow style unless it's quoted. It works fine in block style: d: - ::1 - According to the YAML devs, the string...
Now that you understand the expected behavior, it’s time to implement the HTMLBuilder class. The initializer method in your builder class will define two private fields to keep track of the current context and the HTML content built so far: Python import yaml class HTMLBuilder...
This file is not # intended to be edited by hand. It is created and updated by Redis nodes. # Every Redis Cluster node requires a different cluster configuration file. # Make sure that instances running in the same system do not have # overlapping cluster configuration file names. # ...
YamlSyntaxException: Failed to read ‘config.yml’. while parsing a block collection in “config.yml”, line 9, column 4 did not find expected ‘-’ indicator in “config.yml”, line 17, column 5 You can use validate the YAML syntax of your file. ...
It is interesting indeed that only thekustomizetool is being too strict about integer as a key without quotes (considering only the tools that are used for k8s deployments). I do feel that integers without quotes should not cause any problems. I did face similar parse errors in the past wit...
Environmental Info: K3s Version: v1.28.7+k3s1 Node(s) CPU architecture, OS, and Version: ubuntu 22.04 Cluster Configuration: 1 server Describe the bug: When configuring mirrors in /etc/rancher/k3s/registries.yaml, the mirrors do not take...
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As said, the idea came off the top of my mind, I did not consider all the consequences. Yes, there will be some more work for parsers, and yes, I do understand the YAML specification is already large. However, let me for a moment look at this from a higher perspective: why does ...
Single node rancher-server with two hosts Environment Type: (Cattle/Kubernetes/Swarm/Mesos) Kubernetes v1.3.0-rancher3 Steps to Reproduce: run: kubectl create -f ./mysql.yaml here is mysql.yaml content: apiVersion: v1 kind: Service metadata: labels: name: mysql name: mysql spec: ports: ...