当你在处理YAML文件时遇到错误“yaml: line 1: did not find expected key”,这通常指示YAML解析器在第一行就遇到了格式问题,无法正确识别一个键(key)。这个错误可能由多种原因引起,以下是一些可能的原因及解决步骤: 1. 确认YAML文件格式是否正确 确保你的文件是以.yaml或.yml为扩展名保存的。虽然这不会直接影...
K8s 报错“error converting YAML to JSON: yaml: line 8: did not find expected key” 今天在创建kubernetes dashboard的登录用户授权指定名称空间执行yaml文件报错 # kubectl apply -f dev-user.yaml serviceaccount/dev-user unchanged role.rbac.authorization.k8s.io/role-dev-user unchanged rolebinding.rbac....
ERROR 1 errorbuildingsite:assemble:"D:\myblog\Eddy-hugo-papermod\content\posts\tech\PicGo.md:1:1":failedtounmarshalYAML:yaml:didnotfindexpectedkey 这个错误提示指向了文件PicGo.md的第 1 行,表明在解析该文件的YAML头部时出现了问题。 ---title:"【图床工具】PicGo-bug日记"unable to verify the first...
root@passbolt-test:/mnt# docker logs mnt-traefik-1 2023/05/05 06:59:42 command traefik error: yaml: line 38: did not find expected key 2023/05/05 06:59:43 command traefik error: yaml: line 38: did not find expected key 2023/05/05 06:59:44 command traefik error: yaml: line 38:...
Error: yaml: line 4: did not find expected key Expected behavior Error:data2.yaml: line 7: bad indentation Additional context Here the problem is the bad indentation on line 7 with the 4th item in the array, but the reported error is: ...
Problem statement I try to generate documentation for api from sources by command sudo swagger generate spec -o ./swagger.json and have error operation (All): yaml: line 10: did not find expected key I totally don't understand wich yaml ...
error: error parsing storage-configmap-redis.yaml: error converting YAML to JSON: yaml: line 10: did not find expected key 下面使用yamllint校验工具 输出后的结果后面的注释是自行添加的,本身没有中文提示,但可以复制这些提示去网上搜索,比较方便 ...
Issue: Encountered a panic error in Docker Registry UI, specifically: “yaml: line 83: did not find expected key”. Steps Taken: Pull Image: Pulled quiq/docker-registry-ui:0.9.2 image successfully. Run Docker Container:…
error: error parsing storage-configmap-redis.yaml: error converting YAML to JSON: yaml: line 10: did not find expected key 1. 2. 3. 下面使用yamllint校验工具 输出后的结果后面的注释是自行添加的,本身没有中文提示,但可以复制这些提示去网上搜索,比较方便 ...
docker run -d -v $HOME/clair_config:/config quay.io/coreos/clair:v1.2.2 -config=/config/config.yaml It failed with saying that: 2016-08-13 06:16:16.987993 C | main: failed to load configuration: yaml: line 23: did not find expected key Any advice and suggestions will be greatly ...