Yami Marik, known as Dark Marik in the original manga and Japanese anime, is Marik Ishtar's second personality created by his own inner hatred and pain. He serves as the main antagonist of the Battle City Finals arc after Odion falls into a coma, trigger
Yami Marik, however, still traps Mai in her mind (sends her to the Shadow Realm in the dub). Virtual WorldBefore Kaiba's blimp can land on Alcatraz, Yugi, Kaiba, and the rest of the passengers aboard are rerouted to a hidden bunker. The bunker seems to be operated by a boy who ...
Yami Bakura suggested that Marik use Yugi's friends, citing them as a huge weakness. As part of their plan, Yami Bakura stabbed himself, then released his host while Marik (posing as Namu) pretended to rescue Bakura for Joey Wheeler and Téa Gardner. ...