日本YAMAHA雅马哈YFL212DR 16孔闭孔长笛开箱视频 众鑫博艺 479 0 日本YAMAHA雅马哈YAS62PG镀玫瑰金弯脖中音萨克斯开箱视频 众鑫博艺 140 0 日本原产YAMAHA雅马哈YSS82Z高音萨克斯开箱视频 众鑫博艺 14 0 YAMAHA雅马哈YDS150电吹管细节拍摄 众鑫博艺 127 0 日本珍珠长笛Pearl Flute 505RBE 全镀银17孔开孔B尾 ...
In 1966, Yamaha’s first wind instrument, the YTR-1 trumpet was released - the same year that American professional orchestral trumpeter Renold Schilke joined forces with Yamaha as a brass instrument consultant to market quality musical instruments in the US. This was a relationship that continued...