然而现在新推出的YC61不再简单是一台电子管风琴,更像一台舞台全能小钢炮,雅马哈公司在这台琴上添加了两架音乐会三角钢琴:Yamaha CFX三角钢琴和Yamaha S700、OS v1.1系统固件更新了与经典CP300同款的CF3音色、FM DX音色、管弦乐以及传统乐器等丰富的音色,并且在管风琴和效果器的调控上丰富了很多。 YC系列现在一共有...
Yamaha YC88重达18.6公斤,这个重量放在它功能的丰富性上来说也算正常,但搬运起来可能还是会让人咬牙。而Nord Grand 2虽然稍微重一点,21.3公斤,但它的设计重心更平衡,搬运时没有特别累赘的感觉。 更关键的是,Nord还提供了特别为其设计的Nord Soft Case,防护性和便携性都很到位。你大可把它扔进车里,不用担心磕着...
Shop Yamaha YC61, YC73 and YC88 stage keyboards for the latest innovations and a legacy of design for the needs of professional gigging keyboardists.
clearly part of the same wider family. Casework is all metal, high quality, and really confidence-inspiring. The heavy-duty vibe extends out the back too, with sockets nutted firmly to the casework and proper 3-pin IEC mains inlets. The CP88 weighs 18.6kg and the YC61 7.1kg. ...
YC61采用了全新设计的瀑布式琴键,手感非常顺滑,非常适合风琴演奏技巧的表现并且兼顾了原声钢琴、电钢琴、合成器音色、管乐及其他风格乐器的演奏。这款键盘无疑是继CP88的NW-GH琴键、MONTAGE的FSX琴键之后的又一款顶级琴键。 独立的弯音和调制杆设计,弯音杆还可以分配控制旋转扬声器的度,调试杆可以分配控制颤音效果的深...
YC61采用了全新设计的瀑布式琴键,手感非常顺滑,非常适合风琴演奏技巧的表现并且兼顾了原声钢琴、电钢琴、合成器音色、管乐及其他风格乐器的演奏。这款键盘无疑是继CP88的NW-GH琴键、MONTAGE的FSX琴键之后的又一款顶级琴键。 独立的弯音和调制杆设计,弯音杆还可以分配控制旋转扬声器的度,调试杆可以分配控制颤音效果的深...
Mylen Quéry (Église Nouvelle Vie de Longueuil) Canada Recording Custom Kit DTX-MULTI 12 reface YCJoth Hunt (Planetshakers) Australia Priscilla Alcantara Brazil AC1M FG-TA McDonald’s Choir Showcase USA MX88 Tour Custom Planetshakers Australia BBNE2 ...
Yamaha FG 412C aktiv Tonabnehmer cutaway GigbagTasche 1990 - 1999 - natur Gebraucht – Sehr gut 335 € 335 € Reverb Bump Yamaha YC61 Brandneu 1.777 € 1.777 € Versandkostenfrei 30 Tage Rückgaberecht Reverb Bump Yamaha FS1R FM Tone Generator ...
PortableCK SeriesStage Keyboards combine the sounds of the Yamaha CP Stage Piano with the organ- and synth-focused YC Stage Keyboard to give you a totally new sonic palette, along with an intuitive interface that lets you focus on the music, not the menus. And thanks to its battery power ...
The CK61 and CK88 on test here represent a completely new range fromYamaha. They join a stage keyboard line‑up that is still spearheaded by the more expensive CP and YC series I reviewed in SOS back in September 2020, but seem to have acres of overlap with them. What are Yamaha thi...