【跨界钢琴音色对比】雅马哈Yamaha N1X VS. Kawai卡瓦依 Nv10 。内含蓝牙连接测试音响 1965 1 20:49 App 最强旗舰的对决:Yamaha N1X vs Kawai NV10s跨界电钢琴对比演示—键盘中国 1509 2 2:22 App 跨界钢琴值不值入手 优缺点哪些 雅马哈 7889 1 5:07 App 【雅马哈Yamaha / 跨界钢琴 N1X】波特凯维茨 《...
I haven’t looked at the piano yet so don’t know how it sounds. How are these piano for the daily practice? I have shigeru kawai 7 foot grand piano but need another piano for my kids to practice. Can anybody advice me? Thank you Re: Yamaha p22 vs kawai k2 Dlrudals #2940757 01...
In case anyone missed the uproar Kawai caused generally with their actions, here’s the 30 second version. They replaced their actions with plastic in the 1970’s. They didn’t really consider the public perception of the move, and for a long time Kawai’s got saddled with labels like ‘...
and the Roland LX706. Compared with the Kawai CA79/CA99 weighting of 55g at A0 down to 45g...
I dont think that a stage piano on a metal stand would cut it, musically or aesthetically. Hi Bruce, As you know, 15 months ago I went with the CLP-280, for pretty much all the reasons you state above. The Kawai I tried (CA-9) was pretty good too, to my ears even a bit bett...
KAWAI ES系列 ES110 电钢琴 88键全配重键盘 黑色 双人琴凳礼包 3709元 京东 11-30 20:12 0 0 MOSEN 莫森 MS-188P电钢琴 88键全重锤键盘电子数码钢琴 专业款烤漆黑++三踏板+琴凳礼包 1999元 苏宁易购 11-30 12:03 0 0 MOSEN 莫森 MS-188P电钢琴 88键全重锤键盘电子数码钢琴 专业款烤漆黑...
Pianos for sale. Over 250 new and secondhand grand and upright pianos for sale and hire including pianos by Steinway, Bechstein, Yamaha and Kawai. We buy and sell pianos. Specialist piano retailer and wholesaler with the best selection of pianos in th
Kawai C-60 Grand Piano : Hammond A-100 : Hammond SK2 : Yamaha CP4 : Yamaha Montage 7 : Moog Sub 37 My latest album: Funky organ, huge horn section https://bobbycressey.bandcamp.com/album/cali-native GRollins Member 2.1k PostedOctober 2, 2017 ...
很喜欢日本琴,和日本车一样性价比高又稳定,试了Kawai和Yamaha,Yamaha的静音系统做得更好,试了立式YUS5,GC1低端三角,还是买了C1X,虽然贵很多,但材料音色手感都好不少。...去购买>> 图片来自于@YAMAHA,版权属于原作者 Disklavier自动演奏钢琴 目前世界上先进的自动演奏钢琴,多数被用于家庭娱乐、音乐欣赏、远程教学...
KAWAI卡瓦依和YAMAHA雅马哈是日本两大钢琴品牌,类似汽车里面的丰田与本田。首先说一点雅马哈除了生产钢琴,还有电子乐器、管弦打乐器、教育乐器、音响、音乐教室、音乐软件、调律,音乐之外还有半导体、高尔夫球用具、头盔等等,卡瓦依只生产钢琴和电钢琴。 现在来简单说一下目前中国市场上常用卡瓦依钢琴与雅马哈钢琴各自型号(不...