SLB300 / SLB300PRO 是一種全新型態的電子低音提琴,透過 SRT 拾音系統,藉由高品質的麥克風來紀錄傳統低音提琴的琴腔共鳴音色,來進行模擬錄音室品質的音色,進而達到更自然的音色與共鳴,同時也繼續保持靜音和方便攜帶的半實心琴體設計的產品特色。此系列現有兩種型號可供
The SLB300/SLB300PRO is a brand-new type of electric upright bass that achieves natural sound and resonance by using the SRT POWERED system to simulate studio-quality sound in which the body resonance of a double bass was recorded using a high-quality microphone, all the while keeping a sem...