内容提供方:goodfiles 大小:31.81 MB 字数:约小于1千字 发布时间:2022-12-07发布于陕西 浏览人气:61 下载次数:仅上传者可见 收藏次数:0 需要金币:*** 金币 (10金币=人民币1元)官方说明书YAMAHA RX-V1500 AV Receiver 说明书.docx 关闭预览 想预览更多内容,点击免费在线预览全文 免费在线预览...
Denon DN-300Z Media Player with Bluetooth Receiver and AM/FM Tuner 2010s - Black Brand New €399 €399 France 14-Day Return Policy Udg U91011 Bl2 Fc Pioneer Ddj Rx/Sx/Sx2 Black Plus (Laptop Shelf) Brand New €299 €299 Italy
玩音响的人都知道,音响效果的 好坏除了取决于器材的档次外,还同房间的布局,器材的调整设置等环节密切相关.能够拥有一间经过特殊处理的独立听音室固然是一件好事,但对于普通发烧友来 说起居室兼听音室的做法似乎更实际一些.由于家居环境极为复杂,如果音箱摆位,器材间的接驳,器材必要的调整设置等方面再出现人为的错误...
强强联手,再造经典——YAMAHARX-V1500THXSelect认证影音放大器试听印象0强瞳 精湛的工艺和强大的 功能配置具有越级挑 战上级机种的实力 RX-VI500的外观工艺处理 相当出色,手感光滑细腻,没 有丝毫的毛刺感,面板匕的功 能按键也简化到了极点.原来显示屏正下方的下拉面板内暗藏 玄机,将一些不常用的控制键和音,视频...
两个都是7.2的,看了一下海鲜市场两个的价格相差不大,主要是看电影,有的说天龙的音乐效果更好?目前用的是Yamaha的V383,箱子和炮也是Yamaha的,另外有一对自己弄的书架音箱,换下来了Yamaha的一对前置,如果再把这两个加上,是不是就可以组7.1或者5.1.2了?纯纯的穷! 金士顿FK 英雄豪杰 10 这两都支持杜比视界...
So maybe my solution is to use the MusicCast integration for the RX-V585 and try out the Yamaha YNCA integration from the community store for my RX-A840. So I guess one receiver is to old and the other updated to a to new version for this integration to work? Contributor pssc ...
AR-1500 AR-2500 AUDIOGRAM 3 AV-1 AV-65-66YST AV-70 AV-75PRO AMPLIFIER AV-80Y V1.0 AV-RECEIVER-RX-V357-HTR-5830 AV-S70 AV-S77 NX-SW77 E AV-S7 AVC-30 AVC-30U AV-34 AVR-S80 NX-SW80 AVR-S80 NX-SW80 AVR-S80 NX SW80 ...
NEW RAV315 fit For YAMAHA Home Audio AV Receiver Remote Control RXV561 REMOTE No reviews yet Anhui Prime Technology Co.,ltd.5 yrsCN Previous slideNext slide Previous slideNext slideKey attributes Industry-specific attributes Function Single Service Other attributes Place of Origin Anhui, China ...
"For people interested in a remote control for the TX-1000 who couldn't find one for cheap, I recommend trying a Yamaha amp/receiver remote instead. I have a DSP-A1 amp from 1998 and its remote can scan through the presets with 3 buttons. That's really all the original remote does ...