下图,1985' 铃鹿八小时耐力赛,由日本车手平忠彦与美国车手罗拔士(Kenny Roberts)组成的 Yamaha Shiseido Tech 21 车队首次亮相。以排头位出赛的这支工厂车队,最终获得了这一年比赛的第 17 名。 从2015 到 2018 年,在推出了新一代 YZF-R1 之后的 Yamaha、连续四年夺得铃鹿八小时耐力赛的冠军。下面的图片,2015 -...
Tech 21配色可以追朔至1985年YAMAHA FZR750(0W74)的八小时耐力赛,当时以日本国民偶像车手平 忠彥搭配GP500时期的「肯尼王」Kenny Roberts共同出战当年的铃鹿八小时耐力赛,使用的是当年初市售的FZ750为基础改良而来的FZR750(代号0W74),水冷DOHC并列四缸引擎在配上专用赛事开发的DeltaBox车架来迎战。 当年的「SHISEIDO...
同样被Kenny Roberts采用过 现役传奇车手Valentino Rossi也致敬过白红「Speedblock」彩绘 将MT-09的原厂配色进一步延伸 MT-09作为性能街车市场中的当红炸子鸡之一,不但长久以来销售表现出色,更能与传达出与YZF-R6/R1的直列四缸引擎截然不同的骑乘乐趣,因此与MT- 07相同,在日后跑车化相信也是许多车迷的夙愿,更是一...
Kenny Roberts: Known as “King Kenny,” Roberts was the first American to win a Grand Prix motorcycle racing world championship. His innovative riding style and three consecutive 500cc titles in the late 1970s cemented his status as a legend. ...
著名赛车手肯尼·罗伯茨(Kenny Roberts)和平中岩(Ping Zhongyan)的队伍虽然领先整场比赛,但由于最后30分钟的事故而不幸退赛。在明年的代托纳200英里比赛中,YAMAHA以FZ750 + Eddie Lawson赢得了比赛,展示了这款车的巨大潜力。▲1987年风格的欧洲版本还增加了完整的整流罩和收集排气管。日规虽然只推出一代就停止...
1984 Yamaha Rz350 Kenny Roberts Edition9 photo 2000 V Star Classic, , Tires, Battery, Tags4 photo 1973 Yamaha Tx 500 Ready To Ride6 photo 2003 Yamaha Yzf - R1 Limited Edition, Black With Red Flames10 photo 2005 Yamaha Royal Star Tour Deluxe 1300 V45 photo Vintage 1977 Yamaha Yz80, Mx...
著名赛车手肯尼·罗伯茨(Kenny Roberts)和平中岩(Ping Zhongyan)的队伍虽然领先整场比赛,但由于最后30分钟的事故而不幸退赛。在明年的代托纳200英里比赛中,YAMAHA以FZ750 + Eddie Lawson赢得了比赛,展示了这款车的巨大潜力。 ▲1987年风格的欧洲版本还增加了完整的整流罩和收集排气管。日规虽然只推出一代就停止生产,...
Then in the early 1970s, Yamaha actively bolstered its racing efforts in the United States in a push to demonstrate the excellence of its products. It was during this period that Kenny Roberts and other American legends raced machines donning a yellow background with a black “chain block”...
虽然无法确定YAMAHA是否推出全新R1,但或许仿傚HONDA CBR1000RR SP,可能推出R1特別版或限量版。事实上,2006年适逢是YAMAHA进军格兰披治GP的50周年大日子,该年车厂分別推出格仔花Kenny Roberts50周年特別版及装有顶级装备的SP版,而编者当然是期待全新R1出笼,而非特別版。
Yamaha R1 Street Tracker from Gregg's Customs Gregg sent me some photos of his latest project, unveiled at the Indy Museum this past Friday to Kenny Roberts and Yamaha at the Yamaha Party. It’s a 2009 Yamaha R1 turned into a tracker. The tank has been cut down a lot, a new titanium...