CA-810 CA-810 PW-810 CA-810 CA-8102 CA1010 CA1010 CA2010 CA44 CA610 CA610II CA810 INTEGRATED AMPLIFIER CC-5 CC-5 CC-75 CC-75 CD-1330 MCS-1330 CD-C600 CD-S1000 CD-S2000 CD-S300 CD-S700 CD-X1 CD-2 PART-1 CD-X2 CDC-501 555 655 901 CDC-502 565 665 902 CDC-505 575 67...
(p/n 12-9005), the turn signal flasher, and the horn. I made up my own wiring harnesses but if you are not able to set up your own, I'm sure that Baja designs would be able to supply the wiring kit also. Be sure to ask Baja for the turn signal wiring diagram for their ...
to use the produet Product LO acCCessories angcyo another Product USe Qnr PP biEY Shielde Pables Cahleys SUPPLerd wh this Product MUST be used Follpw all installation Instrtetions. Fallure *o tollew instucyions CeUId Yoid Your [ 攻 C athorza Von fo use this ptoduet in the USA 号”...
may cause interference harmiful to the op of other cl ic devices, Compjj with FCC jlations does not that interfer- ence will not occur in all installations. If this product is found to he the sourcc of interference. which can be deterrmined by muming the unit OFF and “ON Please ...