The Yamaha PSR-E373, a 61-key portable keyboard with versatile and convenient functions so that even beginners can enjoy playing it right away.
PSR-E373 is a 61-key, standard model of Portable Keyboard for those who touch keyboard instrument for the first time, or even for players for performance usage. It is loaded with versatile functions, an expressive touch-sensitive keyboard action and many
PSR-E373 is a 61-key, standard model of Portable Keyboard for those who touch keyboard instrument for the first time, or even for players for performance usage. It is loaded with versatile functions, an expressive touch-sensitive keyboard action and many convenient functions so that even begin...
Specs for the Yamaha PSR-E373, a 61-key portable keyboard with versatile and convenient functions so that even beginners can enjoy playing it right away.
需要金币:*** 金币(10金币=人民币1元) Yamaha雅马哈键盘乐器 PSR-E373_PSR-EW310_YPT-370 MIDI 参考手册.pdf 关闭预览 想预览更多内容,点击免费在线预览全文 免费在线预览全文 DIGITAL KEYBOARD CLAVIER NUMÉRIQUE TECLADO DIGITAL DIGITAL KEYBOARD M I D I R e f e r e n c e R é f é r e ...
Name:76 Keys Digital Piano;Keyboard type:Standard Keyboard Piano;Interface:USB;Keyboard:Solid Wood Keyboard;Product name:Digital Piano Electronic Organ;Color Option:Optional;Keys:76keys;Function:Educational Music Instrument;Piano bench:Matching Piano Ben
Yamaha PSR-E373 61-Key Portable Keyboard Tastiere e synthTastiere portatili (3) Yamaha PSS-140 Synthesizer Tastiere e synthSynth digitali Yamaha PSS-130 Synthesizer Tastiere e synthSynth digitali Yamaha PSR-EW310 76-Key Portable Keyboard Tastiere e synthTastiere portatili (3) Guida...
Yamaha PSR-E373 Instrument type: Portable Keyboard/Portable Arranger User Level: Beginner Price Range: $120-$400 Models: Yamaha PSR-E273 Yamaha PSR-E373 Yamaha PSR-EW310 Yamaha PSR-E473 Yamaha PSR-EW425 –flagship The use of the PRS-E Series is similar to the YPT & EZ Series in that ...
Yamaha PSR-E373 Instrument type: Portable Keyboard/Portable Arranger User Level: Beginner Price Range: $120-$400 Models: Yamaha PSR-E273 Yamaha PSR-E373 Yamaha PSR-EW310 Yamaha PSR-E473 Yamaha PSR-EW425 – flagship The use of the PRS-E Series is similar to the YPT & EZ Series in tha...
PSR-E373 is a 61-key, standard model of Portable Keyboard for those who touch keyboard instrument for the first time, or even for players for performance usage. It is loaded with versatile functions, an expressive touch-sensitive keyboard action and many