The sampling engine is related to that seen in the A‑series samplers and RS7000 sampling workstation, and, like the latter, the Motif incorporates aRecycle‑style loop slicer and resequencer. Much of the built‑in sound‑shaping technology, such as the filters and effects, is also de...
執行階段錯誤 - Yamaha PSR-9000.drumMap.xml。 檔案Yamaha PSR-9000.drumMap.xml 丟失或損壞。 Microsoft Visual C++ 執行階段程式庫 執行階段錯誤! 程式: C:\Users\Tester\Documents\VEGAS\ACID Pro\7.0\MIDI Templates\Drum Maps\Yamaha\Yamaha PSR-9000.drumMap.xml 此應用程式已請求“執行階段”以不尋常的...
GENOS V2.0 高级数据扩展包新增了50种全新伴奏型,涵盖了复古的流行音乐和舞曲音色,以及应用了超清晰音色2技术的高级音色,例如“排箫”,“女声”和“长号”。此外,还包括诸如PSR-SX900新引入的“ Monolan Bass”之类前沿的合成器音色,使您可以更轻松地演绎从经典流行音乐到流行金曲各个不同时代的音乐。
Hi Currently I play my old Yamaha PSR 9000, and my new PSR 970 simultaneously via a Midi cable, giving me the opportunity to play 5 left hand voices; … Dual voltage Yamaha keyboards Hello, does anyone know if any, or all, of the portable Yamaha keyboards are dual voltage, or more ...
如果是现场演奏现代流行音乐,建议61键的YAMAHA,因为YAMAHA现在主流的电子琴都是61键的.比如PSR S550,PSR S650.价格不超过5000,如果非要4000以内确实没什么好琴,就买个DGX305吧.如果你要现场钢琴建议雅马哈P70电钢琴.价格不超过你预算.76键的适合现场演奏的琴,4000以内,目前还真没有值得推荐的产品.以前...
9600 AX-1070EMATIC CDX-E400EMATIC HTR 5890 NS-2HX P2200 POWER AMPLIFIER YM-9900RC YAMAHACPX15A NA WA EA SA E 01V96 01X 02R 02R96 MB02R96 SP02R96 02R VER2 03D-SERIAL VS-2.1 03D 55AE OUTBOARD IGNITION 9000-PRO A-07 A-1 ...
1 9000Pro Owner's Manual 2 CN-1000 Owner's Manual (Image) 3 CN-70 Owner's Manual (Image) 4 CNR-80 Owner's Manual (Image) 5 DD-10 Owner's Manual (Image) 6 DD-11 Owner's Manual (Image) 7 DD-12 Owner's Manual (Image) 8 DD-14 Owner's Manual (Image) 9 DD-20 Owner's ...
strings and solo orchestral instruments, punchy basses (including some fine stand‑up acoustics alongside the analogue synth‑derived tones), and realistic organs and pianos (the latter taken from Yamaha's top‑notch PSR9000 Pro). There were plenty of dance‑friendly basses and leads, ...