The PSR-E400 series is an excellent all-round 61-key keyboard that is ideal as a starter instrument but also represents a robust alternative for experienced players. The latest PSR-E473 features a newly developed tone generator that delivers stunning imp
ZH 2 PSR-E333/YPT-330 使用说明书 PS Leaflet 39 1 2 3 4 5 6 ևॲఁ ᆇຘ၍ୟӱ ۉમૌ ۉᇸದഗ തDŽPbDž ࠉDŽHgDž ᆶ۾ᆶ࡞ዊईᇮ໎ ᰁDŽCdDž ᠉ܠԧ ܾ᠉ܠԧ...
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