XXSZHY 12V 1.5A Power Supply Charger Adapter for Yamaha PA130 PA150, Power Cord for Yamaha PSR, YPG, YPT, DGX, DD Series Keyboard - Only Compatible for Listed Models (9.8Ft Long Cord) Add to cart Add to cart Add to cart Add to cart Price -9% $8.91$8.91Typical: $9.80 ...
In price, looks and capabilities, the Motif is clearly designed to be Yamaha's response to Korg's top‑of‑the‑range Triton workstation. The new synth is a 16‑part multitimbral, 63‑note polyphonic AWM2 sample‑and‑synthesis workstation with a built‑in 16‑bit, 44.1kHz ...
Price Range: $120-$400 Models: Yamaha PSR-E273 Yamaha PSR-E373 Yamaha PSR-EW310 Yamaha PSR-E473 Yamaha PSR-EW425 – flagship The use of the PRS-E Series is similar to the YPT & EZ Series in that it is a device to explore music as a whole, not necessarily just piano. The PSR...
雅马哈PSR-S650 参考价格:¥4960 价格仅供参考,请以当地实际销售产品价格为准。 商家名称 合作年限 联系方式 所在地 同品牌最热机型 接下来您可以 查看雅马哈PSR-S650 报价> 查看雅马哈PSR-S650 点评> 查看雅马哈PSR-S650 评测> 查看雅马哈PSR-S650 参数>
Price Range: $120-$400 Models: Yamaha PSR-E273 Yamaha PSR-E373 Yamaha PSR-EW310 Yamaha PSR-E473 Yamaha PSR-EW425 –flagship The use of the PRS-E Series is similar to the YPT & EZ Series in that it is a device toexplore music as a whole, not necessarily just piano. ...
In price, looks and capabilities, the Motif is clearly designed to be Yamaha's response to Korg's top‑of‑the‑range Triton workstation. The new synth is a 16‑part multitimbral, 63‑note polyphonic AWM2 sample‑and‑synthesis workstation with a built‑in 16‑bit, 44.1kHz...