Data that is compatible with Yamaha digital instruments and ideal for practicing and playing can be purchased from the MusicSoft Manager shop. MIDI Songs, Style Files, PianoSoft and Registrations are available. MIDI Songs are available for a large number of songs in a wide range of genres, from...
Roland罗兰电子合成器FANTOM-06/07/08工作站全配重MIDI编曲键盘 河北永宏科技有限公司第7年河北 石家庄市桥西区 主营产品:乐器乐器配件 公司简介:石家庄永宏乐器音响设备有限公司 经销批发的乐器畅销消费者市场,在消费者当中享有较高的地位,公司与多家零售商和代理商建立了长期稳定的合作关系。石家庄永宏乐器音响设备有限...
Shop the Yamaha CLP-745 Clavinova Digital Piano with GrandTouch-S keyboard, wooden keys, and newly sampled voices from the CFX, Bösendorfer, and Fortepiano.
Piano Diary 是一種免費的核心 MIDI 應用程式,可輕鬆錄製、封存和分享每日的鋼琴表演。首頁 產品 樂器 鋼琴 Apps Piano Diary 0 產品 鋼琴 鍵盤樂器 吉他、貝斯和音箱 鼓樂器 銅管/木管樂器 弦樂器 打擊樂器 行進樂器 合成器&數位音樂製作器材 耳罩式耳機 家用音響 專業音響 Apps 視訊會議...
e d i About audio files u Among Song formats, only MIDI files can be played back by this instrument. Audio files cannot be played back (or shown as G Song numbers), even if they are saved in the USB flash memory connected to the USB [TO DEVICE] terminal. k c NOTE i u • In...
MIDI IN allows the instrument to receive and playback performance information from sequencers using the tone generator of the SILENT Piano™ SH2 type.Two recording systems (Built-in recorder and USB audio recorder) The performance can be recorded in two different ways. It can be recorded ...
Yamaha雅马哈数码钢琴YDP-165YDP-145YDP-S55YDP-S35英文说明书.pdf,DIGITAL PIANO YDP - 165 YDP - 145 YDP -S55 YDP -S35 Owner’s Manual Before using the instrument, be sure to read “PRECAUTIONS” on pages 4-5. For information on assembling the instrument, re
Precisionsound 发布 Yamaha Grand Piano(雅马哈三角钢琴)音色,立体声拾音,体积小,200MB 内。 3 页面的界面,直观易用,可控制衰减、均衡、IR 混响,延迟以及键盘响应。 需要通过完整版的 NI Kontakt 3、4 或 5 来加载使用。 免费下载:
* capable of handling lyrics and chord data recorded in standard midi files. guide functions to support performance. a ball jumps along the musical notation shown on the display in time with the performance, letting you see where to play at a glance. guide lamps show which keys to play next...
Nord Piano 4:6个类别 x 20个型号 (120个) 钢琴复音数voices: Nord Piano 4:120个(Stereo/Mono) 合成器复音数和内存: Nord Piano 4:35个/512MB 主效果Master Effects: Nord Piano 4:Reverb 3种模式 + 明亮调制 其他信息: 平衡塑模键床,三角琴虚拟重锤琴键 ...