YAMAHA雅马哈NS-10M Studio横版监听音箱 3950米/对,喜欢的联系我电台版无网罩设计,工作状态佳,AB连号,保真阻抗:8Ω 灵敏度90dB 尺寸:宽381.5×深215×高197.5mm - 贤乐声音响商行于20230206发布在抖音,已经收获了26个喜欢,来抖音,记录美好生活!
YAMAHA雅马哈NS-10M Studio横版监听音箱 ¥3800 电台版无网罩设计 AB连号 成色如图 实物拍摄 功能正 - 叮咚音响于20231016发布在抖音,已经收获了25个喜欢,来抖音,记录美好生活!
yamaha雅马哈NS-10M Studio书架音箱 横款5800,竖款5500 q 1580212788 电话180030395582358阅读 相关阅读先锋高级HiFi功放 2024-11-5 15:02 4回复 2万内性价比、声价比超标,,德国(奥勒巴赫)Oehlbach Fusion Two五星旗舰喇叭线 2024-11-6 20:15 5回复 台湾MPS M-6SP MK2喇叭线,骨折处理 2024-10-30 21:22...
其实,白盆音箱本身并不神,最早的NS10就是一款普通的欣赏用书架音箱,但它的声音很有特点,非常好把握,所以在了解了它的声音之后,缩混出来的声音到其他播放设备上都会有不错的表现。这个特点得到了大量音乐人的证实,于是YAMAHA就推出了改良的NS-10M Studio监听音箱,这就是白盆音箱的来历。 在当时的那个年代,可选择的...
Top Product#2 in Speakers#2 in Studio Monitors Own one like this? Make room for new gear in minutes. Sell Yours YAMAHA NS10M Studio| BRYSTON | ACOUSTIC REVIVE Price$2,928.49 +$191.48Shipping Compare 31 Listings including Reverb BumpLearn More ...
众所周知,YAMAHA的老白盆NS-10M Studio可以说是录音老炮们的工作室中图腾一般的圣物。无论是在世界级的大棚还是大神们的个人工作室里,你总能见到老白盆音箱。可以说,老白盆是音箱中的一个不可思议的神话。其实,白盆音箱本身并不神,最早的NS10就是一款普通的欣赏用书架音箱,但它的声音很有特点,非常好把握,...
It takes a true original to become an industry standard, and since their inception Yamaha’s NS-10M studio monitor speakers have become a mainstay of professional studios the world over, renowned for their legendary accuracy. From the NS-10M to the MSP and HS Series, Yamaha has remained fait...
Yamaha's "STUDIO" series monitors have been designed with serious monitoring in mind. Emphasis is on reference-quality reproduction precision that lets you hear sonic details, rather than flattering sound. They carry on in the tradition of the venerable NS10M STUDIO monitor speaker, which was the...
A LEGEND TRANSFORMED It takes a true original to become an industry standard, and since their inception Yamaha’s NS-10M studio monitor speakers have become a mainstay of professional studios the world over, renowned for their legendary accuracy. From the NS-10M to the MSP and HS Series, Yam...
It takes a true original to become an industry standard, and since their inception Yamaha’s NS-10M studio monitor speakers have become a mainstay of professional studios the world over, renowned for their legendary accuracy. From the NS-10M to the MSP and HS Series, Yamaha has remained fait...