YAMAHA雅马哈 電子鼓 ( DTXPLORER ) 便利的接線設計、內建32鼓組、多功能節拍器、能夠外接 CD、mp3 播放器。 YAMAHA 電子鼓 ( DTXPLORER ) 是一款專門為打鼓初學者設計的佳練習工具,內建32鼓組, 不論是 ROCK、 放克、雷鬼、拉丁、爵士等各種型態鼓組音色,Dtxplore 可以立即提供各種適合的鼓聲以供練習。
Corporate website of Yamaha Corporation, providing corporate, sustainability, investor relations (IR) and corporate social responsibility (CSR) information.
Review from:jmiraat05/09/13 Well, I own a older dtxplorer for about 2 years now, and I must say, I wish this kit was available when I bought mine. For starters, it´s better looking. It has a better sound module,it has an usb interface which will allow to connect to a compute...