DTX700 Touch 使您能夠完全控制 Yamaha DTX700。它的新式使用者介面提供快速且容易存取的參數,將讓你建立你的夢想鼓組。創造力無所受限! Song Beats Song Beats讓你跟著最愛的歌曲一同打鼓,學習演奏更加輕鬆容易! Sound Bar Remote Sound Bar Remote app 可讓您透過手機和平板裝置,對指定的 Yamaha Sound Bars 進...
Take control! DTX400 Touch offers an innovative way of interacting with theYamaha DTX400 series. It’s now even easier to customise the sound that youwant! DTXM12 TOUCH DTXM12 Touch is a dedicated iPad app that provides powerful support to drummers and percussionists who use the DTX-MULTI12...
您現在可以從App Store下載 “DTX400” Touch程式了! DTX400 Touch 提供了創新直覺式圖像操作介面,透過您的行動裝置讓您能更便利地與DTX400系列電子鼓進行互動,客製您個人專屬的音色。 DTX400 Drum Lessons 此iApp利用影片提供您基本的打鼓技巧,並示範DTX400系列如何幫助您快速上手。
The DTX400 series includes the best sounds from our flagship DTX models and features a new interactive drum-training system.
Take control! DTX400 Touch offers an innovative way of interacting with theYamaha DTX400 series. It’s now even easier to customise the sound that youwant! DTXM12 TOUCH RSP RM5,200 (West Malaysia) RSP RM5,720 (East Malaysia) DTXM12 Touch is a dedicated iPad app that provides powerful ...
Take control! DTX400 Touch offers an innovative way of interacting with theYamaha DTX400 series. It’s now even easier to customise the sound that youwant! DTXM12 TOUCH RSP RM5,200 (West Malaysia) RSP RM5,720 (East Malaysia) DTXM12 Touch is a dedicated iPad app that provides powerful ...