Marantz High-End Audiophile Test Demo SACD的录音极为通透明快,而CD-S2000依然能清楚灵敏地重现出不...
749 CD-S2100 that you see here sits squarely in the middle of the company's range, straddled by the CD-S303 entry-level player at £349, with an expected step up to the flagship CD-S3000 at £2,499. The CD-S2100 visually imitates the CD-S3000 with a handsome...
Technology has a nasty habit of becoming affordable. If you bought one of the first CD players, you would have had very little change from a grand, and CD‑ROMs also used to cost thousands of pounds. In these technologically‑aware days, it's hard to imagine (or remember) what it w...
. Right and left or two-channel sound signals which are played back from a sound source apparatus 18 such as a DAT (i.e., Digital Audio Tape recorder) or a CD (i.e., Compact Disc) player are combined into one channel signal and then input into FIR filters (convolution operating ...
And then, the unit automatically optimizes the speaker settings such as volume balance and acoustic parameters. (YPAO: Yamaha Parametric room Acoustic Optimizer) NOTE ( During the measuring process, test tones are output at high volume. You cannot adjust the volume. ( During the measuring process...
Note: Copy-protected songs, such as This function is available for song in the album on [Memory], [CD](CD- PianoSoft songs, cannot be copied to ROM), [USB1], [USB2] and [FromToPC]. a removable medium. Note: E n g Up to 999 songs can be saved in an l i s album. h 1...