6.Pressthe“STANDBY/ON”keyoftheDVD/CD player. 7.Pressthe“EJECT”keyoftheDVD/CDplayerto openthetray. 8.PutthefirmwareCDonthetrayandclosethetray. 9.Pressthe“PLAY”keyoftheDVD/CDplayer. Thenwritingofthefirmwareisstarted. 10.Whenwritingofthefirmwareiscompleted,“Update SuccessPleaseMASTEROff!”isdis...
242 UPDATE 243 Updating the unit’s firmware.. 243 Firmware updates.. 243 Updating the unit’s firmware via the network 244 Updating the unit’s firmware using a USB flash drive 246 TROUBLESHOOTING 247 When any problem appears.. 247 If trouble occurs, first check the following: 247 Power, ...
• If the Program Ducker component is used, both DME firmware and DME Designer versions must be V3.5 or later. DME Designer Owner’s Manual 19 Contents Getting Started with DME Designer 2 DME Firmware Update 185 SPECIAL NOTICES 2 Device Information 188 The DME Audio System Network 3 The ...
CA-810-S CA-810 CA-810 PW-810 CA-810 CA-8102 CA1010 CA1010 CA2010 CA44 CA610 CA610II CA810 INTEGRATED AMPLIFIER CC-5 CC-5 CC-75 CC-75 CD-1330 MCS-1330 CD-C600 CD-S1000 CD-S2000 CD-S300 CD-S700 CD-X1 CD-2 PART-1 CD-X2 CDC-501 555 655 901 CDC-502 565 665 902 CDC-...