西洛杉矶的朋友们有福了!如果你想吃新鲜的刺身寿司,但又不想自己动手切,那么Yama Sushi绝对是你的不二之选。这里的Salmon、Toro、Uni和Scallop都非常新鲜,特别适合那些对日本超市鱼生新鲜度有所顾虑的朋友们。📍地址:Yama Sushi Sake & Attitude, 11709 National Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90064快去试试吧,保证让...
Example Sentences Typically we try not to go out to dinner on Sundays, so what I’d do from there is drive to a place called Yama Sushi in San Gabriel. FromLos Angeles Times Ms Yama is also estranged from her family. FromBBC