Take your full training data, and small regularization then try some value of learning rate. If loss is barely changing, then the learning rate is small. If you got NAN then your NN exploded and your learning rate is high. Get your learning rate range by trying the min value (That can...
import { CFunction } from "bun:ffi"; var myNativeLibraryGetVersion = /* somehow, you got this pointer */ const getVersion = new CFunction({ returns: "cstring", args: [], ptr: myNativeLibraryGetVersion, }); getVersion(); If you have multiple function pointers, you can define them all...
Some time after getting hit with a power spike4, my C-64’s random number generator got frozen on the same number, and as a result, every random encounter was the same result. I eventually tired of that and bought an Amiga 500, “but that’s another show.” At any rate, the ...