除了丰富的学术资源以外,耶鲁也会给学生提供非常全面的 career support。学校有专门的 careercenter,给...
Lockwood, Charles Yale University, New Haven, CT, United States Abstract The Department of Obstetrics, Gynecology, and Reproductive Sciences will establish the Yale Women's Reproductive Health Research (WRHR) Career Development Center with the goal of selecting outstanding novice or more experienced sci...
【选校信息】耶鲁大学Yale学校介绍 耶鲁大学,Yale University,简称 Yale,著名的世界级研究型私立大学。正式创立于 1701 年,于1716 年迁移至康涅狄格州纽黑文市(位于纽约和波士顿之间),是“美国常春藤联盟八所名校”之一。U.S.News 2019 年全美大学综合排名中,位列第三。截止2018年10月,在耶鲁大学的校友、教授及研究...
The Renovation of Louis Kahn's Yale University Art Center: A Significant Moment for Architectural Preservation January 19, 2018 This article was originally published byCommon Edgeas "How the Restoration of Louis Kahn’s Yale Art Gallery Helped Kickstart Modern Preservation." ...
项目本身对于同学们的就业情况还是比较重视的,但是平心而论耶鲁的career fair对于同学们的就业帮助不是...
career in economic development, foreign government, and environmental policy; these fields are not only celebrated among your peers at SOM but also supported by both faculty and administration. “The career center is great,” a Yale student and former Stratus client told us. “I am happy to ...
YALE UNIVERSITY ART GALLERY 耶鲁大学美术馆 The oldest U.S. college art museum, the gallery houses more than 200,000 objects, both ancient and modern. 作为美国最古老的大学艺术博物馆,该画廊收藏了超过200,000件古代和现代物品 YALE CENTER FOR BRIT...
So for our part, we aspire to make Yale the most civically engaged university by strengthening the ties that bind us to our host city, New Haven.因此,就我们而言, 我们希望通过加强我们与主办城市纽黑文的联系, 使耶鲁成为最具公民参与度的大学。Like most of you, I arrived in New Haven as a...
职位:Professor of Finance at the Yale School of Management, Research Fellow at the National Bureau of Economic Research, Associate Director of SOM’s International Center for Finance, head of machine learning at AQR Capital Management, LLC
The Renovation of Louis Kahn's Yale University Art Center: A Significant Moment for Architectural Preservation January 19, 2018 © Elizabeth Felicella, courtesy of Yale University Art Gallery This article was originally published byCommon Edgeas "How the Restoration of Louis Kahn’s Yale Art Galle...