Yale Summer Session seeks motivated high school students who wish to enroll inYale Collegecourses for credit. While enrolled in Yale courses, qualified high school students will share the classroom with college students and will do college-level work. All participants will be held to the same set...
学生需自行在Yale Summer Session的官网上进行申请和选课。网址: https://summer.yale.edu/apply/international-students *报名截止时间: Session A:2021年5月14日 Session B:2021年6月18日
Summer Springboard program for high school students in New Haven, CT Campus Overview Yale University, where tradition meets innovation and history breathes alongside boundless possibilities, is not just a place of learning; it's a portal to a world of limitless intellectual exploration and discovery...
加州大学洛杉矶分校夏季课程 UCLA Summer Programs 耶鲁大学夏季课程 Yale Summer Session ... www.eic.org.cn|基于6个网页 2. 耶鲁大学暑期学校 兰州大学萃英学院 ... 1.北京大学-伦敦政治经济学院暑期学校 LSE—PKU Summer School 2.耶鲁大学暑期学校 Yale Summer Sessi…cycollege.lzu.edu.cn|基于1 个网页...
热烈祝贺我们 Brothers Education S同学成功斩获耶鲁大学 Summer Program 录取! 提到美国的本科规划,顶尖的美国暑期课程一定是重中之重!好的暑期课程为学生提供了一个在短期时间内修得美国名校学分的机会,学生可选修自己感兴趣的专业,获得美国名校颁发学分证书,实现学分转换,从而免修相关课程。今天我们S同学斩获了耶鲁大学...
Secondly,can you introduce boarding arrangement during the Summer Session?Are all the students living on campus or shall we rent houses in advance?(询问参加暑期课程期间的住宿情况) Thank you! Looking forward to your reply! Best regards,
假定你是李华,准备在高中毕业后的暑假参加美国耶鲁大学的暑期课程(Yale Summer Session 2015).请写一封电子邮件给负责人Ms Sullivan,说明自己的情况并询问相关事宜.内容主要包括:1.介绍自己写邮件的原因;2.询问暑期课程的设置情况(如课程内容、课程数量、时间安排等);...
假定你是李华,准备在高中毕业后的暑假参加美国耶鲁大学的暑假课程,(Yale summer session 2015)请写一封电子邮件给负责人Ms Sullivan,说明自己的情况并询问相关事宜。具体内容如下:介绍自己写邮件的原因。询问暑假课程的设置情况(course arrangement)(如课程内容,课程数量,时间安排等)。询问参加暑假课程期间的住宿情况(如...
In addition to extracurriculars on campus, Yale has its own summer study abroad program — the Yale Summer Session Programs Abroad— in which Yale faculty lead programs in a variety of subjects around the world for Yale credit. Yale boasts a host of famous alumni, including Hillary Clinton, ...
es, Yale University The first (1943) Summer Session of the School of Alcohol Studies, Yale UniversityThe first (1943) Summer Session of the School of Alcohol Studies, Yale UniversityElvin M. Jellinek