Residential Information for Pre-College Students Pre-college students, including those who have just graduated from high school, are required to live on campus unless they live with their family within commuting distance of New Havenif they are taking in-person courses.Pre-college students taking on...
During your Summer Springboard program, you will live in a residential college on campus. All residential colleges have 24-hour security and use electronic key cards to enter gates and entryways. Campus Police and Security is available 24 hours a day and actively monitor the campus. ...
If you are a high-achieving student with outstanding academic records and impressive standardized test scores, considering Yale for your college list is certainly worthwhile. However, it’s important to recognize thatYale Universityremains an exceedingly competitive “reach” school for every applicant, ...
We’re also going to eat food in every residential college. I really hope that happens, because I love talking to them! No matter how much I think about the upcoming year and no matter how many possible routes I can dream of, I know that I’m going to end up on one that I don...
If you haven’t already done so, take a detailed look at Yale’s residential college system. The 14 residential colleges strive to create a more intimate living-learning atmosphere that fosters a stronger sense of community connection. Incoming students are assigned to a college and remain affilia...
It’s a place where you’ll learn quintessential knowledge, and you can live inResidentialCollege, and you can put your hearts into all the liberalarts.Andthat’s why I chose Yale. Of course, you’ll get a first-rate education, but also thriveon classmates’ conversation. Here is where ...
Challenge yourself academically this summer on pre-college programs at the world's most prestigious universities.
T:Residential Colleges,come give a cheer.A place to call our home for all four years.A sense of unity,immense community.Our friendships will prevail.That's why I choose YALE.Officer:But when you do step outside your Residential College,who konws what you might run into.
and you canlive in a Residential College,and you can put yourheartsintoall the liberal arts.Andthat's why I chose Yale.Of course, you'll get a first-rate education,but also thrive on classmates' conversation.Here is where we threadShakespeare Studies and Pre-Med(O-o-o-oh)and that's ...
It'saplacewhereyou'lllearnquintessentialknowledge,andyoucanliveinaResidentialCollege,andyoucanputyourheartsintoalltheliberalarts.Andthat'swhyIchoseYale. 那里你将和人类最精华的知识相伴,那里有优越的住宿学院,那里你能见到艺术与科学最美的一面,这是我选耶鲁的原因。 Ofcourse,you'llgetafirst-rateeducation,...