SOM 的职业发展办公室(Career Development Office,简称 CDO)从学生入学的第一学期开 始就提供包括定期课程、一对一辅导、每年秋季的校园招聘等一系列活动和资源来帮助学生进 行就业规划。课程涉及职业搜索、简历撰写、社交、面试、谈判等内容, 会先教学生进行自我 评估,再由二年级学生或校友做关于行业和公司的陈述。
求职资源:Yale SOM作为成熟的商学院设有职业发展办公室Career Development Office和职业发展系统Career Management System。CDO提供完整的求职服务,从修改简历、CoverLetter、模拟面试到规划咨询等。CMS为学生内部系统,提供包括校友网络、就业数据、近期招聘信息、networking活动等等服务。 除此之外AM经常邀请双修Asset Management...
同时,SOM为学生提供非常丰富的求职辅导课程和校友资源。包括Career Development Office(CDO)在正式开学前的一至两周提供一系列workshops,指导大家修改CV,写Cover Letter, networking技巧,面试准备等,在申请季开始前迅速提升学生的求职软硬实力。在开学后,还能与CDO老师单独约时间一对一改简历、聊找工作进展、mock intervie...
总的来说,Yale SOM是一个非常年轻的学校。和耶鲁大学的整体定位一样,Yale SOM比起别的商学院,在人...
Laurel returned to New Haven in 2010, where she joined the Career Development Office at the Yale School of Management. In 2014 she joined Yale SOM Admissions, where she leads the admissions committee and drives efforts...
这部分和申请过程一样重要,可以回答Why Yale SOM, Why MAM 耶鲁商学院 SOM (School of Management) 与其他商学院相比有哪些特点? 与home university联系紧密 Yale SOM 从1976年建校之初就说过“不要做哈佛式的商学院”,给自己的定位是一个介于Business School和 School of Public Policy 之间的学院。”Our missio...
Looking for Yale SOM? Visit our Yale School of Management campus page. We look forward to seeing you at our upcoming events! Meet Our TeamAlicia is a Talent Acquisition Senior Specialist overseeing campus recruiting at undergraduate and graduate programs in the Northeast. Alicia joined BCG in 202...
[1] Completed in 1953, Louis Kahn’s Yale University Art Gallery building would provide flexible gallery, classroom, and office space for the changing school; at the same time, Kahn’s first significant commission signaled a breakthrough in his own architectural career—a career now among the ...
Remember, Yale SOM students focus on making a difference in the world. The topic of this question demonstrates your values. Therefore, those values ideally include actions that impact the greater community. Regardless of whether you choose an individual or team commitment, make sure you show how ...
TheHealth Care Management Programis singular in that it combines courses at the renowned Yale School of Management (SOM) with courses at the School of Public Health. This longstanding, unique partnership between YSPH and SOM that embeds students in both schools develops exemplary expertise in both ...