耶鲁戏剧学院,目标就是在戏剧的各个领域培养精英leader,提高全球戏剧领域的水准和专业实践,追求卓越,而不是优秀。 开设9个专业:Acting, Design, Sound Design, Directing, Dramaturgy and Dramatic Criticism, Playwriting, Stage Management, Technical Design and Prod...
Ⅲ School of Architecture M.Arch II: 只针对五年制本科,拥有B.Arch.的人才能申请。说起耶鲁的建筑学院选择性还是蛮多的,耶鲁大学的建筑学院分了几个领域,有不同爱好的同学可以自主选择,分别是Design and Visualization、Technology and Practice 、History and Theory 、Urbanism and Landscape。 关于申请,耶鲁大学也...
Yale不是SVA,也不是RISD,它的确没有独立的摄影专业,也没有独立的平面设计等,但是它可以让你在四年之内,从纯艺术到平面设计,再到新媒体、电影各个方面都接触到。 谁都可以编辑的School of Art官方页面一直都是谜样的存在,上面这张是最新的平铺背景图 Film and Media Studies (B.A.) 主要研究电影及其他影像媒...
Undergraduate Architecture Studies 艺术、电影和视觉研究 Art,Film,and Visual Studies 耶鲁大学 Yale University 艺术学院/戏剧学院 Yale School of Art/Drama 位于纽黑文的耶鲁艺术学院常年在US News&World Report榜单上名列前茅。其MFA课程规模在100人左右,本科课程大概有200名学生。 耶鲁艺术学院的摄影专业以非常难进...
Discover the latest Architecture news and projects on Yale School Of Architecture at ArchDaily, the world's largest architecture website. Stay up-to-date with articles and updates on the newest developments in architecture.
This article argues that the movement against urban renewal emerged not only in the streets of American cities, but also in the halls of American universities. In response to the extensive redevelopment of New Haven in the 1950s and 1960s, students at the Yale School of Art and Architecture,...
Other leadership roles at Yale have included serving as chair of the Department of Psychology (2000 to 2003); dean of the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences (2003 to 2004); and dean of Yale College (2004 to 2008). 他在管理学院,公共卫生...
Yale University’s Rudolph Building – formerly known as the Art and Architecture Building – was designed in 1963 by the modern master and then chair...
Q:WhenandwhichschoolwasthefirstPH.DawardedintheUSA?A:GraduateSchoolofArtsandSciences,1861Q:InthehistoryofAmerica,howmanypresidentsgraduatedfromYale?Whoarethey?A:5,WilliamHowardTaft,GeraldRudolphFord,GeorgeHerbertWalkerBush,BillClinton,GeorgeWalkerBush Church Library schoolsofArtandArchitecture ...