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The plan concentrates labs on the building’s perimeter in order to benefit from natural light and external views. Lab floor plans are arranged in repetitive generic modules accommodating spatial and mechanical flexibility. Eight research programs are accommodated in the initial laboratory plan...
Lou Hart, assistant professor of clinical pediatrics and medical director of health equity in the Yale New Haven Health System, emphasized that medical school curriculum teaching that “certain outcomes are associated with certain racial groups” without explaining the additional factors leading to these...
Post-doctoral researchers awarded a three-year fellowship will have access to Yale’s robust computational resources, biomedical data repositories and faculty expertise. In addition, they will benefit from access to Boehringer Ingelheim’s corporate labs, scientists and executives. Applicants are invited ...
This entry area also includes a ‘portal’ – the first of its kind on Yale’s campus - which enables two-way video communication with other ‘portals’ on campus on a life-size circular display. A simple, but impactful innovation is found in open labs, where graduate students have complet...
We celebrate our hometown of New Haven, CT for all that it offers, including its renowned restaurants, shops, and cultural attractions. 耶鲁不仅仅是一所高等学府。这是一个不同文化和国籍的人生活,工作和娱乐的社区,通过他们的相似之处联系在一起,并...
Post-doctoral researchers awarded a three-year fellowship will have access to Yale’s robust computational resources, biomedical data repositories and faculty expertise. In addition, they will benefit from access to Boehringer Ingelheim’s corporate labs, scientists and executives. Applicants are invited ...
Yale University is a research institution that offers undergraduate and graduate education across various academic disciplines. The university provides programs and resources that contribute to the educational experience. It was founded in 1701 and is based in New Haven, Connecticut. ...
The Yale School of Public Health expects labs to only charge about $10 per sample. NEW HAVEN, Conn. - A new saliva-based laboratory diagnostic test for the novel coronavirus developed by researchers at Yale University's School of Public Health has been granted an emergency use authoriz...
Lower floor collections were improved with state-of-the-art climactic control, research and restoration labs, and storage systems. Collections were re-visioned with growth, rehousing, and secure storage in mind. A new lower-level learning center hosts K-12 students. ...