Therefore, the required Yale MBA essay should clearly highlight your personal and leadership qualities. In addition, you will need to make sure your resume and recommendations can answer any questions about your career and accomplishments. The optional essay is a place to add any additional context...
我輔導錄取頂尖商學院的學生,在 essay 裡多半有展現自己 “take initiative” 的例子,或者展現自己的熱情所在,不管是工作上還是工作外的,因為這比較算是一種 “commitment”,而我也常常舉例告訴學生,把被指派的事情做好,不算傑出,MBA 希望找的是可以主動替老闆、公司、團體想,怎麼樣可以把該做的事情做得更好...
从Stanford MBA 到麦肯锡美国&Tech战略 Stanford GSB带给我的最大收获 从Wharton到湾区Tech公司Marketing 不断发现自己,从耶鲁MBA到西海岸投 Fuqua MBA毕业后,我从华尔街投行转入西海岸科技公司战略 Berkeley Haas毕业后,我在湾区Tech公司做BD UCLA Anderson 毕业后,我从FMCG 转到湾区EdTech 领域 从Booth MBA 到湾区Te...
Yale SOM MBA的Application今年和去年相比变化很小。和以往完成SOM MBA网申的方法一样,申请者不仅仅需要打磨好每一个essay,也需要认真填写每一个网申板块,比如职位描述和活动经历。申请者在细致认真的完成essay及其他板块,需要注重结果的呈现,能量化的地方尽量量化,且在完成每一个部分的时候牢记并贯穿Yale的使命“educ...
Yale SOM Essay Topics 2013-2014 Following up on the earlier release of its 2013-2014 deadlines, Yale SOM has announced its 2013-2014 essay topics on its official blog. This year’s topics are as follows: Essay 1 What motivates your decision to pursue an MBA? (300 words maximum) Essay 2...
整理了一下 网上可以搜到的Yale Video Essay questions,希望可以帮到大家!加油各位! PART I WHY MBA & WHY NOW . Why do you decide to pursue an MBA at this point of time? PART II Behavior Questions Question Type 1: step out your comfort zoneDescribe a situation where you identify a problem ...
What motivates you to apply to the Yale School of Management for your MBA? What will you contribute to Yale and Yale SOM? (450 words maximum) Yale SOM Director of Admissions Bruce Delmonico has also announced that this year’s application will feature video questions, which will give applicant...
理解commitment的字面意义后,就来到下一个stage了,也是这篇essay题目的关键:your biggest commitment。我们一生中自然会有大大小小的各种commitment,比如说下定决心去美国读两年的MBA,为此付出巨大的时间金钱等机会成本,这难道不也是一个commitment吗?再比如,也许你是为了转行而下定决心读MBA去投入这一切;以目的结果为导...
#1. Required short-answer essay questions Instructions: Answer all three of the following questions. For each question, respond in 500 characters only (the equivalent of about 100 words). What are your short-term goals, post-MBA? What are ...
今年YSOM的MBA申请计划已经发布 - 将继续延用近年内的著名文书题目:your biggest commitment。接下来我们就来对这个题目做相应的解析。 2018-19 MBA 申请计划 注1:YSOM今年的R1截止日期也有一天的提前。 2018-19 YSOM Essay Questions “Describe ...