The Terms and Conditions contained in the Yale Price Book, as published from time to time, shall apply to all purchases of Goods. To the extent that any terms in any invoice conflict with the terms of the Yale Price Book, the terms of the Yale Price Book shall govern. Dispute Resolutio...
the values and practices of government, and legal frameworks in historical and comparative perspectives.Students learn key ideas in topics such as public policy, human rights, market regulation, governance structures, international policy, and conflict and cooperation...
unlike the meditations of medieval monks. For others, it is inchoate, unrealized—but it is a rare Sailor indeed who does not find himself or herself at least once a day standing at the rails of the ship, watching the hopeful gentle rise and swell of the ocean, and staring, staring...
of Int. Relations Journal of Conflict Resolution Millennium Review of International Studies Security Studies Policy Journals: Foreign Affairs Foreign Policy International Affairs National Interest Survival III. IR Reading List in Three Parts: International Relations Theory: Robert Axelrod, Evolution of ...
These Terms shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of California and the United States without regard to the conflict of law’s provisions therein that would require application of the laws of another jurisdiction. Any action under or relating to this Agreem...
Explain both your position and that of the other person involved. What was at stake? How did you work through the conflict and come to an understanding of the other person’s perspective? Were you able to convey your perspective? What was the outcome? Did you change your stance? Or did ...
Do you have any interest in any undertaking or activity which you feel would constitute a conflict of interest? Mr. PECK. No, I do not. The CHAIRMAN. Have you checked your situation with the General Counsel of the Council of Economic Advisers? Mr. PECK. No, I have not, but I will ...
Even the seemingly invulnerable Liberal Democratic Party (LDP), which ruled Japan for thirty-eight years, experienced rampant internal conflict. Now, the author contends, despite changes in political alignments since the collapse of the LDP in 1993, politics continues much as before.In , Richardson...
Jessica Stamp was unwilling to risk diving into conflict without one. Outside, the DSA organizers gathered in a semicircle before a three-piece poster board. Illustrated on the canvas was a pyramid of social class —“City Government, Mayor, and Board of Alders” on top, “TENANTS,” represe...
^Kathryn McDaniel. Moore, "The War with the Tutors: Student-faculty Conflict at Harvard and Yale, 1745-1771,"History of Education Quarterly1978 18(2): 115-127, ^None of these continue to exist today. They are commemorated in names given to campus structures, such as Brothers in Unity Cou...