但是如果没有资产管理相关实习的同学也可以申请,因为Asset Management项目中还有很多PE/VC,房地产等相关的金融课程,申请者也可以从这些方向讲述自己和Asset Management的联系和未来的职业目标。另外,在实习中也可以探索一些量化模型的使用,把相关的量化经历写在简历和实习中会是加分项。 2023 Class Profile - Professional...
Interest in a career in asset management(对资产管理职业的兴趣) Ability to work and communicate in a dynamic team setting(在动态团队中工作和沟通的能力)📈 根据去年的数据,录取了56名学生,其中77%是国际生。在准备文书时,记得重点强调这些方面。📸 参考图示的class profile,可以更直观地了解录取学生的背景。
录取标准从以下几个方面:Academic history、Quantitative preparation、Interest in a career in asset management、 Ability to work and communicate in a dynamic team setting,这也是你文书重点侧重的方向。 去年录取了56个学生, 77%是国际生 (见图class profile) 【课程介绍】 som.yale.edu/programs/m 以上为...
第一学期课程设置非常硬核,课业强度较大;第二学期以选修课和实践为主,选课自由度高。 根据耶鲁官方发布的最新的 class profile来看: 这个项目2023年录取了43人(总的申请人数大概在2k左右),其中93%为国际生,女性占比51%,有5%MBA学位...
William N. Goetzmann serves as the Edwin J. Beinecke Professor of Finance and Management Studies, the faculty director of the International Center for Finance, and the faculty director of the EMBA asset management curriculum at Yale SOM. His expertise lies in such fields as behavioral finance, he...
The EMBA program combines the rigor of our integrated core curriculum and leadership development program with advanced leadership study and the option to specialize in an area at the nexus of business and society: asset management, healthcare, or sustainability. The curriculum is designed to provide...
The class, offered by the Yale School of Management, hopes to combat the stigma that being influential is the same as being manipulative.
We offer an MBA degree, in both full-time and executive formats, as well as one-year master’s degree programs in systemic risk, global business and society, asset management, and advanced management. We also offer advanced PhD-level study in...
Coursera offers world-class courses that have been designed by renowned universities. They have lots of courses, programs, and specializations in Healthcare Management. They offer both free and paid courses. In addition, students get access to on-demand lectures, which means that they can learn ...
H. Rodgin Cohen