菲律宾首家单人日式烤肉餐厅Yakiniku Like! 投稿| 艾老爷 菲龙网博主 单身的龙友有福了,菲律宾首家单人烤肉Yakiniku开业。再也不用对着一对对情侣吃饭了。甚至还是烤肉,真的很少见。 门店不算大,但是整体很有氛围感。喜欢吃烤肉的趁着刚开业赶紧冲。这家是日式烤肉,推出的也都是单人套餐居多。 是不是会爱了,最低...
Very friendly staff. Quality food. You get thinly sliced cuts of meat and a bowl of sauce of your choice. You then cook your meat in your sauce (soup?) together with a mix of veggies and assorted other selections from the buffet range. At as much as you like (bit there is a ...
It's not your stew-like western concoction but more like a consommé, Oshii! The place is in a quiet mall just below the Concorde Hotel, solo men be prepare to run the gauntlet of massage parlors trying to account you. The clientele is mostly Japanese businessmen or your salarymen who ...
What is amazing is the beauty of its design. Shopping areas are bright and spacious. It is also a strong point that there are many rest areas with comfortable chairs. A shopping mall is indeed not a touristic attraction like a temple or a museum, but I believe that this...