Yakima City Council Agenda Chock Full of Action ; Soccer Facility, Plaza, Homeless Shelters All to Be Topics of Discussion TonightHoang, Mai
In the summer of 1977, the greater New York city area was terrorized by a serial killer who came to be known as the “Son of Sam.” Methodically stalking attractive young women for months, the killer used a .44 caliber pistol to assassinate his victims. Arrest Site of Son of Sam: Now...
It also established the National Security Council (NSC), the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), and separate departments for each branch of the armed forces. [Pictured: W. Stuart Symington, first Secretary of the Air Force and Gen. Carl Spaatz, first Air Force Chief of Staff at a press ...
Yakima City Council AgendaDonean Brown
Catchpole, Dan
Yakima Council to Review Plaza Design Ideas at Tuesday Meeting ; City Could Begin Seeking Engineering Bids If Council Approves Plan; Speed Limit Changes, Budget Also on AgendaFaulk, Mike
Street Sale, Take-Home Police Cruisers Top Tuesday Agenda ; Yakima City Council Also Will Hold Public Hearing on Six-Year Transportation PlanCatchpole, Dan
Street Bond, Car-Tab Fee Proposals on City Council Agenda ; Yakima City Manager to Present 2013 Budget Plans Tuesday, with Road Repairs a PriorityMorey, Mark
Council Plans Quiet Meeting - for a Change ; on Agenda: Summer Cruising on Yakima AvenueRosbach, Molly