The YAI/National Institute for People with Disabilities Network will hold its 29th Annual International Conference: "Visions of Hope and Opportunity" on May 5-9, 2008 at the Crowne Plaza Manhattan Hotel in New York City.The Exceptional Parent...
Theater of dreams: showcasing the talents of people with disabilities. (Lively Arts).(YAI Players Theater of Dreams from the YAI/National Institute for People with Disabilities)Levy, Joel M
Highlights the 24th Annual International Conference on developmental and learning disabilities of the YAI/International Institute for People with Disabilities in New York City. Lecturer for the post conference workshop on Applied Behavioral Analysis; Theme of the event; Iss...
Focuses on the deployment of employees from the Young Adult Institute (YAI)/National Institute for People with Disabilities in the US Open Tennis Tournament in the United States. Role of YAI employees as porters in the tennis center's food court; Details of training programs for the handicapped...