... widow of sarapheth 撒勒法的寡妇 yahushua 耶稣 yahushua ha mashiach 耶稣哈玛斯克 ... www.translationdirectory.com|基于588个网页 2. 主耶稣 让我们在祷告中,常常充满著信心地呼求神的烈火临在我们当中,使天上的权柄和能力,常常与我们同在,感谢赞美我们的主…repentrightnow.com|基于81个网页 3. 祂...
We Have Forgotten that the Way is Narrow & Prophecy 122 “You Can’t Tear Down the Gates of Heaven” thus saith, YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH by The Godly Way | Sep 20, 2014 | Preaching, Prophecies | 0 | TGW 2: God’s FIRST Priority in your Life (NOT Marriage, Healing, or Riches) is...
nor has the sound been preserved. In theGreek text, the letters underlying both names, JOSHUA and JESUS, can be easily seen at Hebrews 4, and Acts 7. These texts refer to two separate men; one is Mashiach, and the other is the successor of Mosheh. TheGreekletters for both men's name...
Praise ABBA YAHUVEH, YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH, and the Precious RUACH HA KODESH for this Festive time of Miracles, blessings and victories and for the conception of our beloved MESSIAH and SAVIOUR YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH!! We Praise the HOLY TRINITY, for now we are able to announce today that Pr...
We are watchmen (Natsarim, Acts 24:5, Jer. 31:6 meaning also branches), and consider all believers to be on the path to redemption through repentance, immersion, and obedience to the re-newed Covenant through the work of Rabbi Yahusha ha Mashiach, the Maker of Heaven and Earth. We do...