or your ISP's SMTP server address Account Name/Login Name:Your Yahoo ID (雅虎ID号) E-mail address:Your Yahoo ID@yahoo.cn (电子邮件地址) Password:Your Yahoo!Mail password (电子邮件登录密码) 把smtp.mail.yahoo.com.cn改成smtp.mail.yahoo.com也可以发送。 方法二: 使用Yahoo.com.cn的POP和SMTP...
电邮伺服器 .. 亦即系 pop server .. mail server 通常分为收(pop)和发( *** tp)两种 . 举例 好似 vigator 咁 . pop 既 address 呢 系 popvigator mail ( *** tp) 既 address 呢 系 mailvigator 如果你想响yahoo度收mail .. 你必需要知道你想收既地方 例如 vigator...
English|繁體中文|简体中文 2021 年 11 月 1 日起,用户将无法从中国大陆使用 Yahoo 的产品与服务。这并不影响 Yahoo 在全球其他地方的产品及服务。我们感谢你一直以來的支持。
In the Email Address box, type your Yahoo! Mail address (be sure to include "@yahoo.com") and click "Next." Under "My incoming mail server is a…" select "POP3." Type "pop.mail.yahoo.com" in the Incoming Mail (POP3, IMAP, or HTTP) Server box. Type "smtp.mail.yahoo.com" in ...
Server - pop.mail.yahoo.com Port - 995 Requires SSL - Yes Outgoing Mail (SMTP) Server Server - smtp.mail.yahoo.com Port - 465 or 587 Requires SSL - Yes Requires TLS - Yes (if available)Requires authentication - Yes Your login info Email address - Your full ...
Server -pop.mail.yahoo.com Port -995 Requires SSL -Yes Outgoing Mail (SMTP) Server Server- smtp.mail.yahoo.com Port -465or587 Requires SSL -Yes Requires TLS -Yes(if available) Requires authentication -Yes Your login info Email address - Your full email address (name@domain.com.) ...
Email address: Your full Yahoo! email address; for example, yahoo-ID@yahoo.com. Password: The password of your account. Name – Account name or Login name: Your Yahoo ID; the part before the ‘at’ (@) sign. Incoming Mail (POP3) Server: plus.pop.mail.yahoo.com. You need to use ...
Go toAdd New Account >> POP or IMAP, and pressNextto continue. After that, choose account type asPOP3and enter mandatoryPOP3 settingsfor Yahoo. Your Name:Enter Your Name Email Address:Enter yahoo email address Account Type:POP3 Incoming mail server:pop.mail.yahoo.com ...
Server -pop.mail.yahoo.com Port -995 Requires SSL -Yes Outgoing Mail (SMTP) Server Server- smtp.mail.yahoo.com Port -465or587 Requires SSL -Yes Requires TLS -Yes(if available) Requires authentication -Yes Your login info Email address - Your full email address (name@yahoo.com.) ...
POP3 incoming mail server: pop.mail.yahoo.com (port 995, requires SSL). IMAP incoming mail server: imap.mail.yahoo.com (port 993, requires SSL). SMTP outgoing mail server: smtp.mail.yahoo.com (port 465 or 587, requires SSL).