Yahoo, known for its contributions to Hadoop, typically uses the Apache license in open-source projects, Papaioannou says. The cloud-serving engine is written in Java and C++, and will support PHP and JavaScript. Once open-sourced, users could adopt other languages, such as Python, although Mi...
This talk describes how Hue can be integrated with existing Hadoop deployments with minimal changes/disturbances. Romain covers details on how Hue can leverage the existing authentication system and security model of your company. He also covers the Hive/Shark/Pig/Oozie best practice setup for Hue....
不久前,雅虎的网格计算团队使用自己开发的Apache Hadoop在GraySort年度比赛中,打破了世界数据排序记录。6月10日,在硅谷举行的Hadoop Summit会议上,雅虎宣布将其内部使用的Apache Hadoop开源。Apache Hadoop是一个开源的分布式计算Java平台,可帮助处理大规模的数据集,广泛使用在搜索工具和数据挖掘软件中,如 Facebook便是使...
source code to its caffeonspark ai engine so that anyone from academic researchers to big corporations can use or modify it. yahoo may not be known as much for its technological prowess these days. but it did incubate hadoop, an open source, wildly popular data crunching platform used by ...
A peek under the hood of Yahoo's Hadoop deployment illustrates how vast the ecosystem has become -- and how the company that invented it is still leading the way
在我们的实验中,我们利用了一个非常棒的分布式学习框架 CaffeOnSpark,将深度学习应用到Hadoop和Spark集群中训练模型。特别感谢CaffeOnSpark团队! The deep model was first pretrained on ImageNet 1000 class dataset. Then we finetuned the weights on the NSFW dataset.We used the thin resnet 50 1by2 archit...
CaffeOnSpark has recently been applied to Flickr to improve image recognition capabilities through training with Hadoop clusters. While Yahoo is not one of the frontrunner technology companies you would necessarily link with artificial intelligence, releasing CaffeOnSpark to the open-source community can...
YAHOO! India Research & Development, entered into an agreement with Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay (11TB), to provide access to a cluster of servers running Yahool's Open Source Hadoop* software, and Web data, as part of an initiative to support the fac- ulty and students of ...
I'll be speaking about a small bit of this at theBusiness of APIs Conferencein New York on Monday. And also at the upcomingOpen Source Business Conference. And, of course, theHadoop Summittoo. You'll be reading more and hearing more about openness at Yahoo! from me and Yahoo's much ...
We useCaffeOnSparkwhich is a wonderful framework for distributed learning that brings deep learning to Hadoop and Spark clusters for training models for our experiments. Big thanks to the CaffeOnSpark team! The deep model was first pretrained on ImageNet 1000 class dataset. Then we finetuned th...