您還滿意嗎? 如有任何疑問或建議,請來信 mail.ios.feedback@yahooinc.com 最新功能 2025年2月23日 版本7.59.0 我們盡可能時常更新應用程式,加快運作速度並提升穩定度。下載包含所有功能的最新版 Yahoo奇摩電子信箱。這個版本修正了一些錯誤並強化效能表現。
Making sure our products are accessible is a priority. Yahoo Mail has high contrast themes, dynamic text resizing and VoiceOver screen reader compatibility. Plus, folders at the bottom of the inbox allow assistive technology users to navigate with less effort. ...
YAHOO!and other free services may be diverting legitimate email to your "spam" or "bulk" mail folder while delivering spam from its advertisers to your inbox. You are advertisingYAHOO!or other businesses for free! You don't have to.
To access your Yahoo.com email account from a desktop email program, you'll need the IMAP and SMTP settings below: IMAP Settings SMTP Settings POP3 Settings Yahoo.com IMAP Server imap.mail.yahoo.com Yahoo.com IMAP Port 993 IMAP Security SSL IMAP Username your-email@yahoo.com IMAP Passwo...
(as shown in screenshot below). The link will direct you to a page where there’s a login form on the right hand side and that’s what you’re looking for. After logging in, you will usually be directed to the Yahoo Mail inbox page where all your emails are. Alternatively, you ...
Yahoo Mail Incoming server settings ("POP", or "POP3") Yahoo Mail's "incoming server settings" are the POP3 email settings you need to enable your email program to check for new emails on the server, for your Yahoo profile: Incoming mail server plus.pop.mail.yahoo.com This is the inter...
Gmail and Yahoo continue to crack down on unwanted email with new sender requirements that will provide a better inbox experience for users and have a major impact on senders. The coming changes focus on better authentication and email relevance, and pave the way for new mailbox standards that...
Personalize your inbox Yahoo #29 in Productivity 4.7 • 248K Ratings Free Offers In-App Purchases Screenshots iPhone iPad Description It's time to get stuff done with the Yahoo Mail app. Just add your Gmail, Outlook, AOL or Yahoo Mail to get going. We automatically organize all the things...
Power to the people: Introducing better ways to compose mail and view contacts (with video | PDF) Caller ID for Your Inbox: Introducing Contact Cards (with video | PDF) Yahoo! Mail Contact Cards Updated with LinkedIn & Twitter (with video | PDF) Add Photos, Files, GIFs and Links ...
The recipient must have his mailbox open at the same moment you initiate the recall process. The message you sent hasn't been opened and is still in the email recipient's inbox. The email hasn't tampered with i.e. add-in, rule, spam, and other processes that have not affected the ...