Yahoo Mail has high contrast themes, dynamic text resizing and VoiceOver screen reader compatibility. Plus, folders at the bottom of the inbox allow assistive technology users to navigate with less effort. • 1,000 GB free storage That's 985 more than some other inboxes, just saying. ;) ...
Got error message when create inbox rule from shared mailbox--error " the attempted operation failed, An object could not be found" GPO - Shared mail folder caching GPO Disable Stationery and Fonts Outlook 2016 - 365 (90 % solved) GPO to implement and change Outlook 2013's send/receive fr...
The entire Yahoo Mail network is down: Chances of this happening are really remote; and with millions of users in distress, you can rest assured that people at Yahoo would be working very hard to get all the service back in order. I suggest waiting for a few minutes and checking out you...
Although Yahoo mail pales in comparison with other clients like Gmail, registration is by far quicker than the other parties. Thus, it is better fit for spam-redirection email addresses. Anonymous-113236...June 5th, 2013 Looks like yahoo is at it again, this time they are running "forced...
Some of them e-mail HUGE pic files to the group, and don't understand that it is going to take someone who has dial up a day to download it. So, I tired to get them to use Flickr, but only two joined. Since the pics are family, I want them to be private, family only. And...
The Bottomless Inbox Yesterdaycame wordof "unlimited" storage for all mailboxes on Yahoo mail. What can I say,storage is getting cheaperall the time. SOAP and JSON-RPC APIs Today's news is that theYahoo! Mail APIthat we previewed at last year'sOpen Hack Dayisnow availableto all developers...
The delay is very long when more than just a few characters are entered. I am writing this in IE8 and the text appears immediately after any keystroke. It also appears immediately in Yahoo mail when using Chrome. Why does it happen in IE8 and Yahoo? I am not aware of having the ...
Yahoo’s golden era has passed and Yahoo Mail, once considered a serious competitor to Gmail, is now far less popular. It’s unlikely that you use it for your primary email account. So why should you care about its privacy policy?
for an hour or so, I often come back to a frozen screen which can only be resolved by resetting it at the tower. In this excerpt from Answercast #48, I look at some possible reasons that typing in Yahoo! Mail seems slow. Become aPatron of Ask Leo!and go ad-free!