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有三种方法获得数据,具体如下:1、通过API获取实时数据请求地址:<股票名称>&f=<数据列选项>具体参数:s – 表示股票名称,多个股票之间使用英文“+”分隔如:”XOM+BBDb.TO+MSFT”,表示三个公司的股票:XOM,BBDb.TO,MSFT。f – 表示返回数据列,如”sn 正文 ...
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'post',{'','historical stocks'},'Timeout',10); works great but [temp, status] = urlread([''... 'period1=1568592000&period2=1568678400&interval=1d&events=history'],... ...
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This paper aims to combine the conventional time series analysis technique with information from the Google trend website and the Yahoo finance website to predict weekly changes in stock price. Important news/events related to a selected stock over a five-鈥恲ear span are recorded and the ...
At Yahoo! Finance, you get free stock quotes, up to date news, portfolio management resources, international market data, message boards, and mortgage rates that help you manage your financial life. - 2025-02-28 -
*** Keep Yahoo! Finance's format replace stockcode = stockcode+".HK" export excel using "HKSE_stock_list.xlsx", replace first(var) 2.3. 使用yfinance包下载数据 在这里,设定完数据选取的时间范围后,就对前面得到的HKSE_stock_list.xlsx里的所有股票代码loop一遍并把返回的数据合并保存。因为后续事件分...