keep stockcode *** Keep Yahoo! Finance's format replace stockcode = stockcode+".HK" export excel using "HKSE_stock_list.xlsx", replace first(var) 2.3. 使用yfinance包下载数据 在这里,设定完数据选取的时间范围后,就对前面得到的HKSE_stock_list.xlsx里的所有股票代码loop一遍并把返回的数据合并保存。
你可以在 Yahoo 財經免費取得股票報價、最新消息、投資組合管理資源、國際市場數據、社會動向和按揭貸款利率,助你管理財富。
1、通过API获取实时数据 请求地址<股票名称>&f=<数据列选项> 参数 s _ 表示股票名称,多个股票之间使用英文加号分隔,如”XOM+BBDb.TO+JNJ+MSFT”,罗列了四个公司的股票:XOM, BBDb.TO, JNJ, MSFT。f _ 表示返回数据列,如”snd1l1yr”。更详细...
rtd_LastUpdateDate =RTD("gartle.rtd",,"YahooFinanceHistorical5min",[Symbol],[Day],"rtd_LastUpdateDate") rtd_LastUpdateTime =RTD("gartle.rtd",,"YahooFinanceHistorical5min",[Symbol],[Day],"rtd_LastUpdateTime") If the stock history has no required number of records to calculate aggregate...
'post',{'','historical stocks'},'Timeout',10); works great but [temp, status] = urlread([''... 'period1=1568592000&period2=1568678400&interval=1d&events=history'],... ...
msft=yf.Ticker("MSFT")print(msft)# get stock get historical market datamsft.history(period="max")# show actions (dividends, splits)msft.actions# show dividendsmsft.dividends# show splitsmsft.splits yfinance.Ticker object <MSFT> ...
下载完的资料跟yahoo finance大致一样,就多一栏计价币别,少一栏调整后股价 b. 如何通过Investing.com抓到想分析的股票并且透过investpy下载及其他市场资料 先到官网里面输入想要的股票或找到想下载的数据 点进去后可以看到代号及所属市场可以找到investpy.get_stock_historical_data所要的参数了 因为investpy还提供不... Replace "MSFT" with the symbol you are looking for. Preparing the Historical Data Once you get to the right symbol's main page, it should look like this (we will continue with the Microsoft stock example): ...
a lot of stock information and immediate news from market analysts. Can you please insert the function to set the default interval to 1 week rather than 1 day. Thanks fanseeworld,22/10/2020 Like most mainstream media, Yahoo finance is biased towards the left ...
Retrieve historical stock data from Yahoo! Finance 팔로우 3.8 (6) 다운로드 수: 1.6K 업데이트 날짜:2018/1/28 라이선스 보기 공유 MATLAB Online에서 열기 다운로드 Retrieves historical stock data for the ticker symbols in Asset cell array ...