数据源其实就是financeyahoocom数据质量是有保证的外盘品种代码可以自己去搜外汇期货都有就是没有内盘期货数据内盘期货数据目前觉得文华的质量最好可以全部从那里导出 用EXCEL从yahoofinance获取金融数据 091105 VBA代码如下: Sub GetData() Dim DataSheet As Worksheet Dim EndDate As Date Dim StartDate As Date Dim...
用excel从yahoofinanceAPI获取美股的实时股价建立stockalert 通过excel的对象容器 CreateObject("MSXML2.XMLHTTP") 我们可以提取yahoo finance下载的csv文件(csv API)中的股价信息(15分钟延迟),这样我们就可以在excel中列出股价live quote,来做出一个stock alert 股价提醒列表。再通过快捷键来手动更新。这种技术比先下载we...
"TEXT;http://ichart.finance.yahoo/table.csv?s="_ +ticker+"&a=00&b=1&c=2009&d="_ +Str(Day(Now))+"&e="+Str(Month(Now))_ +"&f="+Str(Year(Now))+"&g=d&ignore=.csv"_ ,Destination:=Cells(2,1+(i-1)*7)) .Name="tmp" ...
*** Keep Yahoo! Finance's format replace stockcode = stockcode+".HK" export excel using "HKSE_stock_list.xlsx", replace first(var) 2.3. 使用yfinance包下载数据 在这里,设定完数据选取的时间范围后,就对前面得到的HKSE_stock_list.xlsx里的所有股票代码loop一遍并把返回的数据合并保存。因为后续事件分...
Microsoft Excel add-in which retrieves data from Yahoo Finance retrieves quote snapshots fluent interface Dependencies: ExcelDna, YahooQuotesApi, Reactive Extensions, NodaTime Runtime Requires .NET Desktop Runtime 8.0 Copy "YahooXL-AddIn64-packed.xll" (64 bit) or "YahooXL-AddIn-packed.xll" (32...
问在Excel中使用YAHOO API拉取多个公司的历史股票数据EN我在Excel中的一个项目中工作,它将给你的投资...
I use Yahoo! Finance every day in order to check my trades and pick new stocks. I mostly find everything I need here. mxjwjjdb,30/12/2024 Cannot Upgrade in Romania Hi, Can you please make available to upgrade to Premium Plans in Romania also?
I tried to build a model that explains the difference between the financial data entered by the client and Yao's financial data to verify the accuracy of a report, and I discovered that there is an error and the Yahoo Finance library does not work., in show Error ...
Yahoo Finance Historical Data Format When you open the CSV in Excel, you can see the data format, which is usually Date, Open, High, Low, Close, Volume, and Adjusted Close if applicable. Floating Point Imprecision One thing that may be surprising is that the prices (open, high, low, cl...