Finance来获取港股的历史数据(坦白说我也不知道有什么data vendor是卖港股数据的,CSMAR有吗?)。中间会需要用到一些股票的基础信息、无风险利率的信息,这些我从各官方网站获取(港交所、香港银行公会等)。使用的工具主要为Python (运行在Jupyter Notebook和Spyder上),辅用Stata。 2. 获取港股数据 2.1. 安装yfinance包...
pip install pandas_datareader pip install investpy (1) pandas_datareader a. 如何使用pandas_datareader #汇入Yahoo Finance套件 import pandas_datareader as web #下载股票数据 df =web.DataReader(name='2330.TW',data_source='yahoo',start='2020-01-01',end='2020-12-31')#name为股票代号名称st...
之前一直考虑写爬虫来抓取数据,显然这样做很费力且效率不高,而Python.matplotlib module有一finance module能够很便捷的实现这一功能。 is a collection of modules for collecting , collecting ,analying and plotting financial data.让我们先看一个example 关于利用matplotlib模块获取里的...
通过基本上“劫持” 方法, fix-yahoo-finance 的植入很容易,只需要将 fix_yahoo_finance 导入你的代码。 您需要添加的是: from pandas_datareader import data as pdr import fix_yahoo_finance as yf yf.pdr_override() stocks = ["stock1","stock2", ...] st...
自从雅虎财经停止了他们的历史数据API,许多依赖它的程序停止工作。yfinance旨在通过提供一种可靠的、线程化的(threaded)、Pythonic的方式从Yahoo! finance下载历史市场数据来解决这个问题。 注:该库最初命名为fix-yahoo-finance,但后来作者将其重命名为yfinance,因为作者不再认为它只是一个“修复”器。出于竞争力落后的原...
A python module that returns stock, cryptocurrency, forex, mutual fund, commodity futures, ETF, and US Treasury financial data from Yahoo Finance.Current Version: v1.16Version Released: 07/17/2023Report any bugs by opening an issue here:
Yes, almost every library/unofficial API available to access the Yahoo Finance data supports Python. Some options support a range of other languages as well, just in case Python is not your thing. What are some of the ways to access the Yahoo Finance API?
A python module that returns stock, cryptocurrency, forex, mutual fund, commodity futures, ETF, and US Treasury financial data from Yahoo Finance.Current Version: v1.5Version Released: 01/27/2019Report any bugs by opening an issue here: