The current CNY/JPY exchange rate is 21.27. (Last updated on January 16, 2025 14:00:01 UTC). It means you will get JPY 21.2674 for 1 CNY or CNY 0.047 for 1 JPY. Also available: free currency rates (244)Yahoo Finance (150)The European Central Bank (31)The Central Bank of the Russ...
finance-exchange rate 暂无标签 Java 发行版 暂无发行版 贡献者 (2) 全部 近期动态 10年多前推送了新的提交到 release-20140623 分支,5bf05cc...f41888a 10年多前推送了新的提交到 release-20140623 分支,b37dbdf...5bf05cc 10年多前推送了新的提交到 release-20140623 分支,72f1f41...b37db...
港币是香港的货币。 港币的标识是$,ISO编号是HKD。 港币折合为100分。 HKD汇率最后更新于一月 20, 2025。 所有货币 来源:Yahoo Finance (Yahoo!) -有 150 种货币可用 free currency rates (FCR)Yahoo Finance (Yahoo!)欧洲中央银行 (ECB)俄罗斯联邦中央银行 (CBR)加拿大央行 (BC)Bitcoin charts (Bitcoin chart...
During the summer vacation, a large number of department stores and shopping villages in Europe have launched exclusive offers for UnionPay cardholders. In addition, 20 countries including France and the United Kingdom have also introduced UnionPay exchange rate discounts, making payments during the jo...
Enter False for unprocessed raw data from Yahoo Finance. get_stock_quote_type_data() get_historical_price_data(start_date, end_date, time_interval) This method will pull historical pricing data for stocks, currencies, ETFs, mutual funds, U.S. Treasuries, cryptocurrencies, commodities, and ...
贷款人将能够为 Beta Finance 上存在的任何货币市场出借资产,以从贷款利率中获得额外收益。利息是从支付...
Alt: StackExchange: fallback to Yahoo Finance CSV when the YQL interface response with things like "too many instructions executed". ...
Google Finance API and 9 Alternatives Why shouldn’t I use the Yahoo Finance API? (Limitingly) simple Solutions built on-top are fragile Not officially for data requests Can get yourself rate limited/blacklisted It’s simple.While we can get access to an impressive range of data, the Yahoo...
2024 年 瑞士法郎 兑 越南盾 (CHF 兑 VND) 汇率历史,按月划分,全年与每月图表,一年中任意一天的汇率。. 来源: Yahoo Finance (Yahoo!)
finance-exchange rate 暂无标签 Java 发行版 暂无发行版 贡献者 (2) 全部 近期动态 10年多前推送了新的提交到 release-20140623 分支,5bf05cc...f41888a 10年多前推送了新的提交到 release-20140623 分支,b37dbdf...5bf05cc 10年多前推送了新的提交到 release-20140623 分支,72f1f41...b37db...