简介 有三种方法获得数据,具体如下:1、通过API获取实时数据请求地址:http://finance.yahoo.com/d/quotes.csv?s=<股票名称>&f=<数据列选项>具体参数:s – 表示股票名称,多个股票之间使用英文“+”分隔如:”XOM+BBDb.TO+MSFT”,表示三个公司的股票:XOM,BBDb.TO,MSFT。f – 表示返回数据列,如”sn ...
1、通过API获取实时数据 请求地址 http://finance.yahoo.com/d/quotes.csv?s=<股票名称>&f=<数据列选项> 参数 s _ 表示股票名称,多个股票之间使用英文加号分隔,如”XOM+BBDb.TO+JNJ+MSFT”,罗列了四个公司的股票:XOM, BBDb.TO, JNJ, MSFT。f _ 表示返回数据列,如”snd1l1yr”。更详细...
You can find direct link to a stock in the table below or ona country's stock data download page. If you have a direct link to the Yahoo Finance page of the stock you are looking for, open it in a separate browser window then proceed with the "Download historical data" section. ...
keep stockcode *** Keep Yahoo! Finance's format replace stockcode = stockcode+".HK" export excel using "HKSE_stock_list.xlsx", replace first(var) 2.3. 使用yfinance包下载数据 在这里,设定完数据选取的时间范围后,就对前面得到的HKSE_stock_list.xlsx里的所有股票代码loop一遍并把返回的数据合并保存。
Downloading Yahoo data thanks to M.Kishinevsky and M. Higgs Here's a neat way to download stock data from Yahoo, perhaps into a spreadsheet (so you can play with the data): http://finance.yahoo.com/d/quotes.csv?s=a BUNCH of STOCK SYMBOLS separated by "+"&f=a bunch of special tag...
You should refer to Yahoo!'s terms of use (here, here, and here) for details on your rights to use the actual data downloaded. Remember - the Yahoo! finance API is intended for personal use only.yfinance offers a threaded and Pythonic way to download market data from Yahoo!Ⓡ finance...
Yahoo Finance - Stock MarketRatings and Reviews 4.8out of 5 10K Ratings 整理控無法忍受凌亂,01/03/2024 股份明細排序 建議個人投資組合內的各標的「股份」欄位,點進去的每筆交易明細,可以增加按「時間先後」、「股數大小」、「均價高低」及「自訂」等方式來排序及整理明細內容。
actions: Download stock dividends and stock splits events? (Default isTrue) 批量下载市场数据: 您也可以像以前一样一次下载多个股票的数据。 importyfinanceasyf data=yf.download("SPY AAPL",start="2017-01-01",end="2017-04-30") [***100%***] 2 of 2 completed 例如想要获取股票SPY收盘价格, 你...
The Ticker module, which allows you to access ticker data in a more Pythonic way:Note: yahoo finance datetimes are received as UTC.import yfinance as yf msft = yf.Ticker("MSFT") # get stock info msft.info # get historical market data hist = msft.history(period="max") # show actions...