According to the Yahoo general API documentation, usage is capped at 2,000 requests/hour. This doesn't seem to apply to the finance API however, as I've performed 8,000 requests in 15 minutes before returning HTTP error 999. No true figure is known. Examples
Python wrapper for an unofficial Yahoo Finance API Documentation: Interactive Demo: Source Code: Blog Post:
It’s somewhat fragile.The Yahoo Finance API is no longer a fully official API, meaning that sometimes it does not provide all the information desired. As such, solutions attempting to gather data from Yahoo Finance use a mixture of direct API calls, HTML data scraping and pandas table scrapi...
You should refer to Yahoo!'s terms of use(here,here, andhere)for details on your rights to use the actual data downloaded. Remember - the Yahoo! finance API is intended for personal use only. yfinanceoffers a Pythonic way to fetch financial & market data fromYahoo!Ⓡ finance. ...
找到python api: 代码语言:javascript 复制 >>> from yahoo_finance import Share >>> yahoo = Share('YHOO') >>> print yahoo.get_open() '36.60' >>> print yahoo.get_price() '36.84' >>> print yahoo.get_trade_datetime() '2014-02-05 20:50:00...
By Api Dojo Updated 1 month ago 9.9 1330ms 100% Finance Twelve Data Financial data provided for developers, to enter the world markets. Instant access for real-time and historical data of stocks, forex, crypto, ETFs, mutual funds, and more. Read more in [documentation](https://twelvedata...
Use the Index class for getting all data related to indices from Yahoo Finance API. Instantiate Index Class We can instantiate the Index class by passing the index symbol. For instance, to get data for Nifty 50, pass ^NSEI as the first argument to the Index class. nifty <- Index$new('...
See also thedeprecated snapshot() APIdocs, for reference. API Download Historical Data (single symbol) yahooFinance.historical({symbol:SYMBOL,from:START_DATE,to:END_DATE},function(err,quotes){/*[{date: Thu Nov 07 2013 00:00:00 GMT-0500 (EST),open: 45.1,high: 50.09,low: 44,close: 44....
new online services squarely in Yahoo's back yard, such as Facebook and Twitter, had time to put down serious roots. And of course Google has encroached, too: its search-ad revenue has funded any number of affronts to Yahoo, including Gmail, Google Docs, Google News, Google Finance, Ork...