Yahoo has turned from useful internet resource to an excuse to abuse peoples personal information, look at the sign up forms even for paid services like flickr, look at the cookies they put down, look at the crap they install on your computer, look at their agreements with the likes of ma...
Jim Cramer answers viewer questions on oil, banks and more from the floor of the New York Stock Exchange Thursday.
They believe strongly in the human and social aspects of search, pushing products like Yahoo! Answers and My Yahoo!. I think Yahoo!'s biggest weakness is the diverse set of things that they do. In many fields they not only have internal customers, but in some fields they have product dup...
“the gorgeous google-ite who makes the world searchable for the likes of us.” but inside google her career had stalled. in late 2010 she was moved out of her role overseeing search and was put in charge of google’s location and local services—maps and restaurant recommendations. to ...
so combine the teams from geocities, answers, 360, message boards and groups to build a community messaging platform. this is a key yahoo failing - ten groups of two developers building little crap sites instead of one group of twenty. and it shows in the glacial pace of development for ...
Their dynamic has the same feel as Watch the Throne-era Kanye and Jay, not trying to make a mark by outdoing each other, just ruminating on the ever-evolving idea of hedonism, and emerging with no answers. –Hanif Abdurraqib Listen: Gunna, “Sold Out Dates” [ft. Lil Baby] 145. ...