An increasing number of optometrists are performing Nd:YAG laser capsulotomy procedures; however, there is limited published information on the outcomes of these procedures. This study aimed to assess the efficacy and safety of capsulotomy procedures performed by optometrists. Subjects diagnosed with ...
ZEISS VISULAS yag lasers are highly reliable and comfortable photodisruption lasers. The new VISULAS yag provides an easy-to-use interface for efficient, intuitive and workflow-oriented capsulotomy and iridotomy treatment. The precise targeting with the application-based selection of the focus shift is...
The preferred product for anterior-segment procedures such as laser iridotomy and capsulotomy, the Aura PT includes advanced specifications which make treatment fast and accurate for superior patient care. Designed to be safe and easy to use, the Aura PT is the result of years of engineering and...
anterior capsulotomybilateral lens removalMarchesani syndromeNd:YAG laserA method of bilateral lens removal in a patient with Marchesani syndrome is described. The patient had nasally dislocated spherical lenses, shallow anterior chambers, brachymorphism, systolic heart murmur, and joint anomalies. Anterior...
SummaryYAG lasers have a multitude of uses in the glaucoma patient beyond capsulotomy and iridotomy. In this session we will discuss how YAG can optimize Tube flow, its role in managing misdirection and how and when to use it in manipulating iris tissue in compromised drainage angles. Ancillary...