is an impressive HF transceiver covering 160 to 10 meters (and WWV 5 MHz receive). This solid state radio features two 2SC2100 finals. Power input is 200 watts PEP SSB, 200 watts CW (50% duty cycle) and 50 watts on AM/FSK. It covers the main (non-WARC) amateur bands including: ...
The tradition and quality of the Yaesu HF product line lives on with the newFTDX101MPmodel. In Homage to the found of Yaesu - Sako Hasegawa JA1MP - we are pleased to announce this model. This transceiver covers the HF/50 Mhz bands, is capable of 200 watts of power, VC Tune for the...
Yaesu has released their new FT-991 HF/VHF/UHF Multimode Portable Transceiver. This new transceiver is a 100 Watt HF and 50 Mhz and 50 Watt 144/430 amateur radio transceiverfor portable and mobile operations.This rig is really a replacement for the old Yaesu FG-847. I have seen street ...
HF/50 MHz Transceiver Both 100-Watt (internal power supply) and 200-Watt (external power supply) versions available. Receiver Front End includes VRF (Variable RF Tuning)preselector External High-Qµ -Tuning for 1.8 -14 MHz bands (optional µ-Tuning Units for 160/80-40/30-20 m required...
This transceiver is available in two configurations: Yaesu FT-2000: A 100 watt version with internal power supply. Yaesu FT-2000D: A 200 watt version with external power supply (supplied). Accessories Order #PhotoItemDescriptionList PriceYour PriceOrder CT-119 Programming upgrade cable Disconti...
Yaesu revealed their new FTDX-3000 HF + 50 MHz transceiver at the 2012 Dayton Hamvention. This new transceiver is a 100 Watt HF and 50 Mhz amateur radio transceiverfor the casual DXer and for the Contester.My observation is that this will be the same class of rig as the Kenwood TS-590...
Yaesu FTDX1200 HF/50MHz 收發器原裝行貨 一年保用 THE FT DX 1200 HF/50MHz Transceiver Continuing the Yaesu “FT DX” Legacy of Excellence established decades ago, the FT DX 1200 is designed for the casual operator as well competitive operating situations, whether you primarily operate in Contes...
watt (some modes less)transmit signal. A large heat sink is combined with the die cast aluminum chassis for efficient heat dissipation. A cooling fan located beside the final amplifier and the TX Low Pass Filter ventilates the heat away from inside of the transceiver cabinet. This large axial...
Inspection 6 Digital Speech Processor Operation 49 DC Power Connections 6 DSP Voice Pattern Contours 50 Transceiver Location 8 Voice Monitor Operation 50 Grounding 8 Digital Voice Recorder Operation (Transmit) .. 50 Antenna Considerations 9 Linear Amplifier Tuning 51 Memory Backup 9 CW Transmission 51...
The FT-897D is a rugged, innovative, multiband, multimode portable transceiver for the amateur radio MF/HF/VHF/UHF bands. Providing coverage of the 160-10 meter bands plus the 6 m, 2 m, and 70 cm bands, the FT-897 includes operation on the SSB, CW, AM, FM, and Digital modes, ...